Anyone Use A Hot Logic Mini In The Truck?

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Joseph I.'s Comment
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I have been inundated with ads and glowing reviews about this Hot Logic Mini for use in the truck. I do not currently have anything to cook or reheat with in the truck. I have never cared for microwaves but am not opposed to them but this product sounds like it would be nice if it really works as it says. I am not opposed to paying $40 to find out if it is any good or not (have spent more money on worse things) but just curious about anyone who has actually used one. Thanks.


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PackRat's Comment
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I have a microwave, lunch box cooker, and a George Foreman. These do everything I need, but combined cost is more than one single appliance, though.

Junkyard Dog's Comment
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I bought one and I've only used it twice. The microwave is much faster. If we can hook up somewhere I'll sell you mine...


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Dave Reid's Comment
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I have one and love better than one might imagine. I think it works better than the similar thing from Roadmaster sold in truck stops.

It isn't really comparable to a microwave. It is much slower and can't do everything a microwave can do. On the other hand, what it does do, it does better. It is ideal for reheating previously cooked food. Sometimes, I'll order a large meal at a restaurant when I'm by a good one, and put half of it in a foil container of the proper size and stick that in the fridge. In fact, I've just done that very thing. There was a good steakhouse across the street from the truck stop for the night, so I took one of my containers with me and put half in it. The day after tomorrow, I'll be parking at my consignee , so that morning I'll stick the meal in the Hot Logic and it will be ready whenever I am. I microwave would ruin the meal.

I also sometimes dump a can of stew in it, or beans and franks.

I have been inundated with ads and glowing reviews about this Hot Logic Mini for use in the truck. I do not currently have anything to cook or reheat with in the truck. I have never cared for microwaves but am not opposed to them but this product sounds like it would be nice if it really works as it says. I am not opposed to paying $40 to find out if it is any good or not (have spent more money on worse things) but just curious about anyone who has actually used one. Thanks.


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Jeremy's Comment
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The lunchboxes are pretty quick but will burn your stuff if you dont stay on top of them

Dave Reid's Comment
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An advantage of the Hot Logic - it will hold food well for at least 12 hours

The lunchboxes are pretty quick but will burn your stuff if you dont stay on top of them

Paul 's Comment
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I have been using a Hot Logic for awhile now. I am on Nutrisystem and it will cook a frozen meal perfect. I have even cooked raw hamburgers and potatoes, was done in 3 hours when I stopped to make my delivery......thinking of buying another one in case this one stops working

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