Rainy, you've been an inspiration to many and provided a treasure trove of valuable advice. I wish you all the very best.
Over the last 4 years, I have made some awesome friends, learned to surpass other drivers on my fleet, had quite a few laughs, and hope I have inspired a few.
I have been neglecting some seriously time consuming issues in my life, and a new chapter is on the horizon. I will try to continue writing the blog articles and pop in from time to time. Unfortunately, I won't have the time to dedicate to the forum as I always have. Those of you who know me well, know I am always "all in".
Stay safe and be good to each other! And thank you for some great years!
Holy what the fudge!?!?
I'll echo everyone else's sentiments and say you'll be missed! Here and on the road! We need more folks like you!
Over the past year I've learned so much from your insights and wisdom that I could never repay. It was, in part, your inspiration that has gotten me to where I am today.
Thank you Rainy and keep the shiny side up.
Wow! What everyone else has said! I know this next chapter will be just as inspired as you did in one. Well we did not get to meet, almost. The very best to you. You opinions, your articles have been a real inspiration to me. Now take some time for yourself, you sure have earned it and deserve it. Thanks for everything, Rainy.
Wow Rainy, even though i am not a your advice and counsel to all the people in here has helped me tremendously to relate to my clients. Tell Mr Cat that he will be miss and please empty your dungeon before leaving. Good luck
I haven't been on the board for a while and this is a happy/sad post. You're one of the drivers that inspired me to consider this career when my current one is done (or I'm done with it). You'll be missed. Good luck.
I know sometimes you don't check in for a day or two and when there is a thread from some whiner I always check in to see what rainys reaction is to this... it's obvious that you put a lot of time into your posts on here. God bless you I'm going to miss reading your takes.
Good luck to you, Rainy. I only just got here but I know already I'm going to miss your input. I'm sure you're going to take your great attitude to your new situation and so you're going to do well.
Wow Rainy what a shock! You have been a major reason for reading the posts and you have always been a real solid contributor that will be missed and hard to replace. You are truly a "Jersey Girl" and my one regret is that I never got to meet you in person. My very best wishes to you in all you do. Good luck and God bless.
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Wow I heard you were leaving through my dad when he called me today.
Hate to see it confirmed. Like some of the others said, it'll be great to see you on here, even for the occasional visits.
Thanks again for your time and attention in person too. You really gave 100% dedication, hope that issue in your life receives all of it so you can be happy.