Best 3 Trucking Companies To Work For In SW Missouri

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JCTrucker's Comment
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I'm curious as to what everyone else thinks. My top 3 picks right now are:

RBX Transland DOT international

Close behind might be:

ACT Wil-Trans/Jim Palmer CTI

Any thoughts? I'm researching them on the forums and the interweb as well. Any insider info (that isn't tarnished cause the wronged you)?

Thanks, all.


Department Of Transportation

A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.

State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.


Darrel Wilson bought his first tractor in 1980 at age 20, but, being too young to meet OTR age requirements, he leased the truck out and hired a driver.

Through growth and acquisition, Wil-Trans now employs over 200 drivers, and has a long-standing partnership with Prime, Inc. to haul their refrigerated freight. The family of businesses also includes Jim Palmer Trucking and O & S Trucking.

Brett Aquila's Comment
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Ok, there are a few things to cover here.

The location of the company makes no difference as long as they hire from your area. I never drove for a company that had its headquarters or even a terminal in my home state.

Don't bother doing research on companies that haven't offered you a job. People often assume they can work anywhere they like. That's not the case. You may get more than one offer, but most of the companies you apply to will not offer you an opportunity. We've watched countless people over the years waste enormous amounts of time researching carriers only to find out none of their top picks offered them a position. Apply to a bunch of carriers and choose from the ones who actually offer you a job.

Lastly, don't be suckered into believing the whole "my company wronged me" garbage you'll find on YouTube and most other trucking websites. Trucking companies desperately need top tier professional drivers. There are far too few. If you prove yourself to be a great driver who can help a large carrier turn a profit they're going to treat you very well. If you prove to be a nuisance or you're incompetent then you're not going to get the same treatment the top tier drivers get. So consider the company reviews you hear to be nothing more than a reflection of that driver's performance and attitude.

Any of the major carriers are fantastic places to work. Focus on preparing yourself to be the best driver you can be. Your performance will dictate the quality of your experience in this industry.


A facility where trucking companies operate out of, or their "home base" if you will. A lot of major companies have multiple terminals around the country which usually consist of the main office building, a drop lot for trailers, and sometimes a repair shop and wash facilities.


When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.

Dave S (formerly known as's Comment
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My personal preference is Wilson Logistics (Wil-Trans/Jim Palmer). But I'm a little biased in that regards.


Darrel Wilson bought his first tractor in 1980 at age 20, but, being too young to meet OTR age requirements, he leased the truck out and hired a driver.

Through growth and acquisition, Wil-Trans now employs over 200 drivers, and has a long-standing partnership with Prime, Inc. to haul their refrigerated freight. The family of businesses also includes Jim Palmer Trucking and O & S Trucking.

PackRat's Comment
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The best three are going to be any three that offer you a job after the successful completion of school. I’ve worked for several companies, and my closest home terminal is the current one which is two states north of my home state.


A facility where trucking companies operate out of, or their "home base" if you will. A lot of major companies have multiple terminals around the country which usually consist of the main office building, a drop lot for trailers, and sometimes a repair shop and wash facilities.

andhe78's Comment
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I know that’s a really great area for Maverick Transportation.

Big Scott's Comment
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You left out Prime and CFI, two great companies that will also train you. Good luck.

Phantom 850's Comment
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My personal preference is Wilson Logistics (Wil-Trans/Jim Palmer). But I'm a little biased in that regards.

I’m in the same boat as Dave.


Darrel Wilson bought his first tractor in 1980 at age 20, but, being too young to meet OTR age requirements, he leased the truck out and hired a driver.

Through growth and acquisition, Wil-Trans now employs over 200 drivers, and has a long-standing partnership with Prime, Inc. to haul their refrigerated freight. The family of businesses also includes Jim Palmer Trucking and O & S Trucking.

JCTrucker's Comment
member avatar

Brett, I often am at odds with the harshness of your responses. But I always see the wisdom of your statements. And this is another one that rings true. Your harsh ass is smart, wise, and dead on in your assessment. I'd rather get the "straight poop" in an inglorious manner than smoke blown up my ass.

Thanks, your post made a lot of sense and had wisdom of years of experience.

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