I swear I'm not making fun of you but for the Lord sakes bad weather seems to follow you. I've been caught in ice and snow storms and occasionally strong winds. But I'm going to start checking your location before I start out everyday. Please do me a favor Donna and update on the GPS tracker. I will drive a wide swath around you. Seriously God bless and stay safe.
JYK9, that's pretty funny! Donna may have the road all to herself as everybody else avoids her location because of bad weather.
Latest weather forecast at 6AM has Dorian turning north and skirting the Florida coast and making landfall somewhere in South Carolina. Great news for Florida not so for South and North Carolina.
Donna scared it away! Go girl!
Latest weather forecast at 6AM has Dorian turning north and skirting the Florida coast and making landfall somewhere in South Carolina. Great news for Florida not so for South and North Carolina.
Don't bet on it.
I still predict it to nail the east side, below Jacksonville and Orlando.
"King Tides" are happening now, too.
My mom lives a half mile from Jax beach, and the rest of my family live a few miles inland. Believe me, I'm watching this one closely.
Looks like I may have dodged the bullet here in Fort Lauderdale - though the only thing we KNOW FOR SURE - is that WE HAVE NO IDEA where this thing is ACTUALLY GOING.
8AM Today
11PM Thursday
While I'm kinda relieved down here - there are MILLIONS STILL AT RISK. And it's a HUGE STORM at this point. So even "skirting the coast" is going to bring a lot of potential damage all the way up the coast. And if it makes landfall where it's currently predicted to - Savannah is going to be HUGE FUSTERCLUCK with all the trees there. Savannah is a beautiful city, what with all the trees and whatnot - but I'd hate to try and dig out after a major hurricane event.
So while everyone in my neck of the woods is probably going to start gorging on their "hurricane snacks", and wondering what to do with the 5 cases of water and garage full of 5 gallon fuel containers - we still need to think of our friends to the north that are at risk.
I'm happy to live in Wisconsin. No hurricanes. Although we have occasional tornadoes. I hope Hurricane Dorian doesn't wreck too much havoc. Batten down the hatches! I hope all you drivers are getting out of the danger area.
My mom lives a half mile from Jax beach, and the rest of my family live a few miles inland. Believe me, I'm watching this one closely.
I live about 12 miles inland from St. Simons and Jekyll Island. It’s still gonna be nasty there.
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Okay everybody I’m in Alabama, so u know with my luck dang hurricane will cut cross Florida and then hit Alabama!