Even if you find a school that will let you enroll before you've had your license for a year, the hard part is going to be finding a company that will hire you. You don't want to go to school unless you know you'll be able to land a job very soon afterward.
The only way to find out is to call around I'm afraid. I don't know of any schools or companies that will hire someone without having a driver's license for a full year here in the U.S. but there might be some out there.
Wish I could help you more with that one.
Even if you find a school that will let you enroll before you've had your license for a year, the hard part is going to be finding a company that will hire you. You don't want to go to school unless you know you'll be able to land a job very soon afterward.
The only way to find out is to call around I'm afraid. I don't know of any schools or companies that will hire someone without having a driver's license for a full year here in the U.S. but there might be some out there.
Wish I could help you more with that one.
Thank you Brett.Every start in a new country it is not easy,but I will not give it up.I will look for some companies on the internet,and in the same time I waiting for some informations that might help me. Sorry for my English,I am improve it every day.I wish to be healthy and happy.
Well we certainly wish you the best of luck and we're more than happy to help out any way we can. Anytime you have a question just let us know. We're always here to help.
Even if you find a school that will let you enroll before you've had your license for a year, the hard part is going to be finding a company that will hire you. You don't want to go to school unless you know you'll be able to land a job very soon afterward.
The only way to find out is to call around I'm afraid. I don't know of any schools or companies that will hire someone without having a driver's license for a full year here in the U.S. but there might be some out there.
Wish I could help you more with that one.
Thank you Brett.Every start in a new country it is not easy,but I will not give it up.I will look for some companies on the internet,and in the same time I waiting for some informations that might help me. Sorry for my English,I am improve it every day.I wish to be healthy and happy.
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Did you know you can fill out one quick form here on TruckingTruth and apply to several companies at once for paid CDL training? Seriously! The application only takes one minute. You will speak with recruiters today. There is no obligation whatsoever. Learn more and apply here:
Heloo gentlemen, I have 8 months here in U.S.A,I am resident permanent and my driver license is from september 2012.I found out that many companies let people subscribe in their school CDL program only if the driver has 1 year driver license(I mean USA driver license). I have over 10 years driver license,but in Europe,not in United States. Here I have clean my driver license history,I have NO TICKETS,NO FINE.In Europe I had NO FELONIES,not problems with drugs... More than that,I almost have CDL Permit,I passed all 6 tests.Just have to do my "fingerprints" because of "HazMat" endorsement.And also have to do medical examinations for CDL. If anyone knows some schools that do not require "must have 1 year driver license USA",please let me know.I would be verry happy to start school now,not in fall.Thank you and all the best for everyone !!
Commercial Driver's License (CDL)
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
Hazardous Materials
Explosive, flammable, poisonous or otherwise potentially dangerous cargo. Large amounts of especially hazardous cargo are required to be placarded under HAZMAT regulations