I parked with 1/4 fuel and woke up to my fuel tanks completely empty.
I accepted a pink/purple truck from Prime without even considering just how much I would get poked at by others.
Honestly man, I can't think too much right now. Going 54mph through NE is tough. I'll come up with more answers tomorrow. Haha
Well, I have hit a pole @ the TA in Dallas in broad daylight as I was entering the parking lot.
Never run out of fuel, not even close.
Well, I have hit a pole @ the TA in Dallas in broad daylight as I was entering the parking lot.
Never run out of fuel, not even close.
Yeah third month I wasn't smart enough to fuel before heading to bed.
Never hit a pole, not even close.
I had a pole try to hit me one time!
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Well, I have hit a pole @ the TA in Dallas in broad daylight as I was entering the parking lot.
Never run out of fuel, not even close.
Yeah third month I wasn't smart enough to fuel before heading to bed.
Never hit a pole, not even close.
Thanks Daniel. Never said I do not make mistakes.
Old School, some how I just don't believe your story.....hehehe
I made a real silly mistake one day. I got my first high powered cb about 15 years ago. A 600 watt monster of a ham radio I had converted to 11 meter so I could talk on channel 27.128mhz. That's channel 19 for those not cb tech savy.
Anyway I turned it on and expected to talk to normal people on the radio......SILLY ME for expecting decent talk on channel 19.
But seriously nothing in the last 15 years but the first year I started driving I spent the weekend in jail for speeding. Who knew that 55 night time speed in Texas back then meant 55 mph. Judge slapped me with a $3500 fine for doing 125 mph on I 40 west of Amarillo. But I had company that weekend cause they got 15 of us for speeding. And to this day they still don't like convoys either.
OK so that's sort of a brag but now thinking back I was young and dumb ,23 years old, and could have really hurt someone. Now a days my truck does not see over 65 mph.
But seriously ask anyone that has been on the road for more than a few years....Chicken Trucks (produce haulers) ruled the road with fast trucks and lots of lights and a seriously wore out Guardian Angel in our copilot seat.
You live and learn. Sometimes the hard way.
Ernie, was a joke. We're all just kidding around here.
Guyjax, you went 125mph in a truck? Woah!
Going by the rpm's...tsb said I was doin' about 120, when he caught me passin' a big ol'e line of trucks...I'd been goin' down the highway mindin' my own business...when this line of trucks roared by me...the leader got on the cb...and told me" Just stay right there on that porch, Puppy"....well hell...you don't say that kinda thing to a redhead, O/O...drivin' a starship with a kitty under the hood....I swung out in the hammer lane, and mashed the pedal....passed 'em all...and was pullin' in front of that lead truck when TSB came out of the sleeper....I don't think he'd been asleep....he asked me how fast I thought I was goin'...I looked at the speedo, and told him "80, or so"...he said, "you buried that needle a long time ago, by the rpms, you are doin' atleast 120".....I got on the cb and told those hard liners that this puppy was gettin' back on the porch....scared myself spitless....
Oh...and I had a big black hog commit "suicide by Starship" in KY...what a mess that made of our truck !!!
Going by the rpm's...tsb said I was doin' about 120, when he caught me passin' a big ol'e line of trucks...I'd been goin' down the highway mindin' my own business...when this line of trucks roared by me...the leader got on the cb...and told me" Just stay right there on that porch, Puppy"....well hell...you don't say that kinda thing to a redhead, O/O...drivin' a starship with a kitty under the hood....I swung out in the hammer lane, and mashed the pedal....passed 'em all...and was pullin' in front of that lead truck when TSB came out of the sleeper....I don't think he'd been asleep....he asked me how fast I thought I was goin'...I looked at the speedo, and told him "80, or so"...he said, "you buried that needle a long time ago, by the rpms, you are doin' atleast 120".....I got on the cb and told those hard liners that this puppy was gettin' back on the porch....scared myself spitless....
Oh...and I had a big black hog commit "suicide by Starship" in KY...what a mess that made of our truck !!!
During my training at CRST Van I was with a O/O 13 speed Columbia in Arizona we hear on the CB alright CRST stay in the right lane were comin through. my trainer said floor it.. I got up to 98mph and the line of live stalk pullers BLEW my doors off and I backed it off GPS said 98mps and my pants said change me. You people that hit the triple digits need to see a doctor and your heads examined lol. and I laughed at the Hog committing suicide.
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During my last drive appointment I was driving parallel to I93 north on Route 3A just south of Concord NH . As I crested a hill I saw a tractor trailer about a 1/4 mile.....trailer diagonal across the undivided road....blue lights flashing and very little room in the area for the 60' I was driving.
So as we are going down the slight grade I was dropping the gears and slowing way down to see how we were getting through and the instructor kind of chuckles ....and says he ran out of gas. I look a little closer and sure enough there is 4 yellow plasticans on the ground next to his drive side tank. To make matters worse his tractor was pointing at the Pilot . Yup......ran out of gas turning into a Pilot .
So....come clean folks...what silly preventable mistakes happened to you out on the road.
Operating While Intoxicated