Birth Certificate?

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Jamie's Comment
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I'm starting orientation tomorrow at Crete and was wondering if I needed my Birth Certificate? I have my driver licenses and original copy of my social security card, but I'm not able to find my birth certificate. The I9 form they sent me said I could use my driver licenses and another form of identification from the second list which listed both my social security card and or birth certificate.

Rick S.'s Comment
member avatar

Call your recruiter if you are UNSURE.

Most companies want to see a B.C., (though a passport will suffice) - as much to verify citizenship/right to work as anything else. I have a couple of B.C.'s (but none with a raised seal), but I have a booklet & passport card as a form of ID.


Jamie's Comment
member avatar

Call your recruiter if you are UNSURE.

Most companies want to see a B.C., (though a passport will suffice) - as much to verify citizenship/right to work as anything else. I have a couple of B.C.'s (but none with a raised seal), but I have a booklet & passport card as a form of ID.


I tried to call before making this thread, but was not able to reach anyone from the recruiting department or anyone else that knew for sure if I needed it or not.


The i9 form they sent me, said I could choose one thing for list A or any combination from list B and C, which I have one from each list my driver licenses and my original social security card.


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PackRat's Comment
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I had mine when I went, in addition to my DL, passport, SS card, and retired military ID. I'm not sure what copies they need to make.

This is a tough one because on a Sunday, you won't get a recruiter on the phone.

Maybe look on Google for orientation and see if there are any answers there.

Rick S.'s Comment
member avatar

Passport is considered one of THE.BEST forms of ID that establish identity, citizenship and right to work.

If you're using your SS card - make SURE IT IS NOT LAMINATED. A laminated SS card is considered INVALID.

Funny that it is your second trucking gig - yet you still have to come up with all the ID you did when you first started out.

Best of luck (though luck isn't a factor, it's SKILL AND EXPERIENCE NOW) in your new gig at Crete.


Jamie's Comment
member avatar

I had mine when I went, in addition to my DL, passport, SS card, and retired military ID. I'm not sure what copies they need to make.

This is a tough one because on a Sunday, you won't get a recruiter on the phone.

Maybe look on Google for orientation and see if there are any answers there.

When I came to Schneider last yest, I had my birth certificate. The wife and I store all our important documents in a safe, but when I went through it, I was unable to find my birth certificate, so not entirely sure what happened to it since then. I would have went to the health office and got a new copy, but they're not open today.

Looked on google and seen its suggested to have it, based on other companies.

Jamie's Comment
member avatar

Passport is considered one of THE.BEST forms of ID that establish identity, citizenship and right to work.

If you're using your SS card - make SURE IT IS NOT LAMINATED. A laminated SS card is considered INVALID.

Funny that it is your second trucking gig - yet you still have to come up with all the ID you did when you first started out.

Best of luck (though luck isn't a factor, it's SKILL AND EXPERIENCE NOW) in your new gig at Crete.


I've should've gotten a passport before, would been so much simpler.

My SS card is not laminated, just the orginal paper copy used it at Schneider as well.

Thanks none the less, I'm trying to find it still just incase otherwise, they will either accept my two forms of ID or sadly I'll be sent home until I can get a new copy which wouldn't be ideal of course.

Rick S.'s Comment
member avatar

I've should've gotten a passport before, would been so much simpler.

My SS card is not laminated, just the orginal paper copy used it at Schneider as well.

Thanks none the less, I'm trying to find it still just incase otherwise, they will either accept my two forms of ID or sadly I'll be sent home until I can get a new copy which wouldn't be ideal of course.

Or maybe they'll let you start and let your wife go get one and fedex it to you.


Errol V.'s Comment
member avatar

Most new hires use a driver license and their Social Security card. Produce those two documents and you're done.


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