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Topic 26944 | Page 3

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Errol V.'s Comment
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Become Practice™

Dang! Even after proof reading, I missed this!

G-Town's Comment
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Become Practice™


Dang! Even after proof reading, I missed this!

At least you spelled "WTF" correctly... awesome!

Like I am one to talk...huh. I'm sure Brett grows tired of me reporting my mistakes...

Errol V.'s Comment
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Well, philosophically, every time you back a trailer becomes practice for the next one!


G-Town's Comment
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Well, philosophically, every time you back a trailer becomes practice for the next one!



Spoonerist 's Comment
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I’m grateful to see this issue be “voiced”. One of my reluctances to sharing was indeed the harshness of some responses.

A big thing for me to learn when I first started forum activity was to practice “I statements”. By putting my phrasing in first person I own them. It helps to remove some of the finger-pointing-mis-understandiness that often devolve/derails helpful conversations.

Thanks again!


Wild-Bill's Comment
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I’m glad to see a renewed focus. I think some of the tough love posts at times devolved into more tough and less love.

I respect Brett for setting an example of personal integrity and ownership of the problem. That’s what’s been at the core of many of the tough love posts I’ve seen so far, ownership and taking personal responsibility.

Chief Brody's Comment
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My two cents:

The "renewed focus" and Turtle's new diary emphasizes what I've learned from this forum: the need to never stop learning and the desire to continue to improve.

Thanks Brett for your passion to make this the best resource for new drivers.

And thanks to all the moderators for their contributions.


Grumpy Old Man's Comment
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On the one hand, I’ll agree that sometimes topics get a harsh response, and see this change as good.

On the other hand, you’re going to need a thick skin to be a trucker. Lol

I have gleaned some awesome knowledge from the experienced drivers here, and that knowledge has definitely helped with my success.

Hopefully someday I can pass that knowledge on.

As far as backing, practice makes perfect. When I started almost every docking situation terrified me. Then I graduated to just being anxious, now I know I’ll get it in. Just take your time, look and think before you move, and if possible, watch other drivers do it first. And never worry about how long it takes you. As long as you don’t hit anything, and get it to a place where they can unload you, you did a great job. :)

Grumpy Old Man's Comment
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And the best advice of all, WATCH THOSE TANDEMS , all the time.


Tandem Axles

A set of axles spaced close together, legally defined as more than 40 and less than 96 inches apart by the USDOT. Drivers tend to refer to the tandem axles on their trailer as just "tandems". You might hear a driver say, "I'm 400 pounds overweight on my tandems", referring to his trailer tandems, not his tractor tandems. Tractor tandems are generally just referred to as "drives" which is short for "drive axles".


Tandem Axles

A set of axles spaced close together, legally defined as more than 40 and less than 96 inches apart by the USDOT. Drivers tend to refer to the tandem axles on their trailer as just "tandems". You might hear a driver say, "I'm 400 pounds overweight on my tandems", referring to his trailer tandems, not his tractor tandems. Tractor tandems are generally just referred to as "drives" which is short for "drive axles".


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Don's Comment
member avatar

G.O.A.L and "watch your tandems" along with paying attention are the two most important suggestions anyone can be given. Doing so will prevent 99% of backing accidents

And the best advice of all, WATCH THOSE TANDEMS , all the time.


Tandem Axles

A set of axles spaced close together, legally defined as more than 40 and less than 96 inches apart by the USDOT. Drivers tend to refer to the tandem axles on their trailer as just "tandems". You might hear a driver say, "I'm 400 pounds overweight on my tandems", referring to his trailer tandems, not his tractor tandems. Tractor tandems are generally just referred to as "drives" which is short for "drive axles".


Tandem Axles

A set of axles spaced close together, legally defined as more than 40 and less than 96 inches apart by the USDOT. Drivers tend to refer to the tandem axles on their trailer as just "tandems". You might hear a driver say, "I'm 400 pounds overweight on my tandems", referring to his trailer tandems, not his tractor tandems. Tractor tandems are generally just referred to as "drives" which is short for "drive axles".


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
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