I went through it last year. You will get to know the whole Fox valley area pretty well. Bring some winter clothing it’s cold and if it snows or rains the yard gets wet and muddy. Enjoy the erberts and gerberts.
Will do, I'm down here in the DC swamp so it goes from extreme humidity to ice cold winter. What are your thoughts on the reefer division?that's what I'll be in.and how long before one can adjust the home time if they wanted to? Thanks.
I went through it last year. You will get to know the whole Fox valley area pretty well. Bring some winter clothing it’s cold and if it snows or rains the yard gets wet and muddy. Enjoy the erberts and gerberts.
A refrigerated trailer.
Hey Congratulations Keith! I'm starting in Marshfield on the 18th. Be sure to bring layers of winter grea and warm hats/gloves. Wisconsin aint DC. My recriuter said they like to see 4-6 months OTR before switching fleets. But I also read of some folks on this site getting into a local fleet right out of school. I'd ask your recruiter for details. Best of luck.
OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.
Not going to Roehl but my husband and I start with US Xpress tomorrow! Hope it all goes well with you!
Reefer division is good. Just be prepared for the wait times and you’ll spend a lot of time in Wisconsin. It’s a great state and you’ll enjoy all the Kwik trip gas station/truck stops. If you wanna switch to the northeast fleet you’ll probably need 4-6 months of safe driving. Good luck.
Will do, I'm down here in the DC swamp so it goes from extreme humidity to ice cold winter. What are your thoughts on the reefer division?that's what I'll be in.and how long before one can adjust the home time if they wanted to? Thanks.
I went through it last year. You will get to know the whole Fox valley area pretty well. Bring some winter clothing it’s cold and if it snows or rains the yard gets wet and muddy. Enjoy the erberts and gerberts.
A refrigerated trailer.
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Just looking for other newbies to link up with that are starting Nov.11th. I'll be coming from Maryland.