She “grew up hard” and I suppose she doesn’t care about strangers trying to understand.
It sounds like she doesn't believe you could understand her because you haven't suffered the way she has. And ya know what? Maybe that's true. But it isn't making her life any better taking her frustrations out on you, is it? I guess maybe she hadn't thought about it that way.
Hang in there. Just be yourself, keep your cool, and try to understand that whatever is upsetting her isn't your fault, and you can't fix it. Don't take it personally. God only knows what she might have been through.
All I have been is humble and kind, man. I just wanna learn so I can be a good trucker. I just need someone who doesn’t eat away at me every day physically and emotionally in a 8 by 8 space. I’ve never been an ass to any of my trainers or higher ups, I always ask questions when I need to and do what I’m told. I’m a good student who just needs a more compatible trainer.
I’ll update if I remember to. Thanks.
Well, I wish you luck, and I hope you'll keep us updated on this situation. We'd love to help any way we can.
if the TNT matcher and my fleet manager want to keep bullying me about this, who do I go to next? Someone said HR. So I guess I will call them next.
I don't think changing trainers is a big deal, but I worry that your company might label you as a problem if you make too much of a fuss, ya know what I mean? I think you can make this happen, but it's super important that you handle it the right way. Stay cool and professional. Don't start making demands or threatening people or anything like that.
I'm only saying this because I don't know you and I want to make sure you're aware that your situation is tenuous as a recruit in training. You don't carry the authority that a ten-year veteran does, so play it cool. Be humble, be kind, and just explain how you feel. Don't impose your will or show them who's boss. We've watched people raise hell only to wind up on a bus home that day. I don't want to see that happen to you.
Keep us updated and best of luck!
Prime Inc has their own CDL training program and it's divided into two phases - PSD and TNT.
The PSD (Prime Student Driver) phase is where you'll get your permit and then go on the road for 10,000 miles with a trainer. When you come back you'll get your CDL license and enter the TNT phase.
The TNT phase is the second phase of training where you'll go on the road with an experienced driver for 30,000 miles of team driving. You'll receive 14¢ per mile ($700 per week guaranteed) during this phase. Once you're finished with TNT training you will be assigned a truck to run solo.
Thanks Rob. Stay safe out there ✌🏻
So I will remove myself from this situation. Thank you all for your advice. Hopefully they will have a new trainer for me.
Hopefully you have a better experience with your next trainer. Although you may disagree with the advice you were given please stick around and keep us updated on how things work out.
I understand wanting to avoid conflict. But I’m afraid this may come down to u sitting in a room telling them exactly what is going on, with her there. If she’s like that with u she’s probably had other complaints. Don’t let a trainer, make u walk away, prime will not support that. Ask your fm for a meeting, perhaps Stan will sit in. They will find u a new trainer, takes a little longer for a woman trainer. But after two trainers they will start looking at the trainee.?
I understand wanting to avoid conflict. But I’m afraid this may come down to u sitting in a room telling them exactly what is going on, with her there. If she’s like that with u she’s probably had other complaints. Don’t let a trainer, make u walk away, prime will not support that. Ask your fm for a meeting, perhaps Stan will sit in. They will find u a new trainer, takes a little longer for a woman trainer. But after two trainers they will start looking at the trainee.?
Did you stop to think about it being the holidays? THAT is probably why they can't get a trainer right away. I was just asked because 6 women need trainers, and most including me, are going home for Thanksgiving. That means there are at least 6 people in line ahead of you not including any men that may be also.
When you say you are getting off the truck but they wont give you another trainer what did you mean? are you going to springfield and getting off..or are you just jumping off the truck somewhere? get off other than at a terminal and they consider you resigned. Steve Tassin is the trainee placement coordinator. Great guy.... but "personality conflicts" is not a good enough reason for them to switch.
We also have a female driver liasion to help with situations.... but she can be understanding but tough. she takes accusations very seriously. if the accusations are exaggerated or unfounded, she may be just as strict with you. From what you wrote here, it honestly sounds like you are making a big deal out of nothing. There are a ton of legitimate complaints that would warrant a trainer switch, and you didnt touch any of them. sorry.
Donna and Brett are right about being careful. I know a trainer whose trainee demanded to be removed from the truck, then considered she might be fired for her verbal eruption at the fleet manager. They told her they wanted a meeting with her. She then refused to get off the truck, and at that point was escorted off the property after cursing and yelling at the security guy who told her she had to get off the truck and they her on another.
There were 2 other requests recently that I know of to switch for personality reasons... both were denied. If you record her yelling at you, that is irrefutable proof. Otherwise it is he said she said.
Truth is... "we just dont get along" is not good enough. You arent friends. if she doesnt want to talk.. dont talk. You say you were concentrating on learning, but it sounds like you are concentrating on the conflict.
good luck
A facility where trucking companies operate out of, or their "home base" if you will. A lot of major companies have multiple terminals around the country which usually consist of the main office building, a drop lot for trailers, and sometimes a repair shop and wash facilities.
Closing this thread cause apparently I’ve got my answer and that’s that I’m stuck with this trainer. Wish me luck on 40,000+ more miles with someone a computer thought I’d get along with.
Wish me luck on 40,000+ more miles with someone a computer thought I’d get along with.
You don't need luck. You just need to figure out what makes this person tick and learn to work with her the best you can. Minimize friction. That doesn't mean you have to be meager or subservient. Maybe you don't ask questions about certain things. Maybe you shouldn't say that you understand her. Maybe she just needs to talk without you saying anything. That's the puzzle you have to figure out.
Try keeping things to a minimum. Don't try to force conversation, don't try to make her open up. Just leave her be as much as possible and give her space. Pay attention to her reactions and try to find patterns.
Everyone loves talking about themselves. No one ever gets mad at someone for letting them talk about themselves. They might get angry at your reaction to things they've said. They might not want to open up about certain things. But they won't get mad at you for letting them say what they want to say. So, minimize your reactions and just let her talk if she wants to. That's the safest place to start and go from there.
I promise you - the better you get at dealing with tough personalities the more happy and successful you'll be in trucking. This is an essential skill that will make a huge difference in your paychecks, your productivity, and your sanity. There will be many times you won't be able to run and hide from difficult people. You'll have no choice but to deal with them. The better you are at it the better your life will be.
I hope everything works out for you. I'm not at prime but I can tell you my time with my mentor was tough. I got through it the best I can. At this point you really need proof to back up what your saying. I'm sorry your having a hard time. Try to stick it out if you can and if not dont be discouraged, find a way to keep rollin. This may or may not help but when my mentor was being difficult I just did my job and gave him the silent treatment unless we absolutely had to communicate about something other than that i was quiet, no small talk or nothing, and finally he changed his ways. Again I wish you the best and be careful.
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Hopefully you have a better experience with your next trainer. Although you may disagree with the advice you were given please stick around and keep us updated on how things work out.