Steels toe boots are fine but not required. Gloves depending on how hands on you want to be. I plan on showing you everything I know. Dress warm
I typically start extremely early. No later than 430 if possible.
Operating While Intoxicated
I'll be there whatever time you tell me. I'll bring gloves and will be as hands on as you'll let me.
Its Saturday. Shouldn't be too much traffic. How about 4ish?
I'll be there a little early and ready to go.
Looking forward to it.
This is so cool. I'm glad to see you getting some first hand experience, Rob. My only regret with going to Walmart was not being able to train you. Soak up the knowledge, my friend.
This is so cool. I'm glad to see you getting some first hand experience, Rob. My only regret with going to Walmart was not being able to train you. Soak up the knowledge, my friend.
I was thinking about you when reading the other thread about trainers and thought "boy I sure wish I could get a trainer like Turtle." Something that really stuck out from your trainer's perspective thread was a comment you made about the trainer's job to keep the trainee fresh. That really seems to be the core difference between a good trainer and bad trainer. No matter the trainer's "style" of training, if they are not, like you were, invested in training their trainee to learn information and develop skills, it seems like its just a miserable time for both trainer and trainee.
Like I mentioned in the other thread, I will post a link to a whole album of ride along pictures.
I hope I can give you all you hope it to be Rob. I think I have a pretty good day planned out. Depending on what you want to do. A decent diner I pass for lunch, a chrome shop if that sparks your interest. Does for me anyway hahaha. We'll stop at the Flying J in Lake Station for coffee on the way in the morning.
Anybody reading this that might be in that 80/94 northwest area in the morning around 5ish come on by the Flying J.
We'll stop at the Flying J in Lake Station for coffee on the way
I'd rather stop next door at the TA for some of that Popeyes crack chicken... but maybe that's just me. If I get anywhere near that stuff, it's a wrap.
Haha Popeyes really is crack though. Give me some tenders, a biscuit and their bbq sauce. I've been meaning to try those chicken sandwiches they have now.
We'll stop at the Flying J in Lake Station for coffee on the way
I'd rather stop next door at the TA for some of that Popeyes crack chicken... but maybe that's just me. If I get anywhere near that stuff, it's a wrap.
Driving While Intoxicated
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What time should I be there?
And do I need to bring any PPE? I already plan to wear steel toe boots.