Congrats driver. Keep on keepin on!
Congrats sir, my girlfriend went to the same school and had nothing but great things to say of their training also. It’s always great to hear their are some awesome schools out there. Stay safe and focused.
Good deal!
That is the same path I started down when beginning my own odyssey.
Thanks everyone for the congratulations. Careers Worldwide is an awesome school ! From Tom to Victoria, everyone just wants to see you succeed, so I am complexed at some of the failures and people sent home for failed drug test, DUI on record, etc. I am just ready to get this. contract behind me soak up every bit of knowledge and skills I can. I have already had an awesome, stressful, grande adventure and I love this life style even sitting in a TA in Rawlings Wyoming for days.
Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
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I went with CRST finishing g the last week with my trainer, he has been awesome. Have my co-driver and new truck already set to run. Everything has been so fast paced and almost grueling, but if you just "keep on keeping on" it will all come together and click. Well for me anyways, that's how I learn repeated involvement, until something just clicks and all the information directly connects to the physical and miraculously I can do it. Driving a trailer into a blindside while knowing the gears watching the mirrors and being f aware of the rules and environment is stressful but when it clicks and know you can do it......oh hell what a feeling!
Operating While Intoxicated