Oh that’s the tire that we got fixed I drove over 4 hours on that tire. Should I have drove on that tire?
I have learned more from this group then this guy.
First, your trainer's pre-trip schedule: if he only PTI's on Sunday, he's wrong six days a week. Just like the HOS rules, the PTI is a requirement at least at the start of your shift.
Tires: if he couldn't believe it would hold air, why was he willing to trust that tire on the road?? If you're shingle load was heavy, call your on-road service before you head out. With light loads, I have driven a bit but still called in. In that case I'd plan where would be a good place for a 30 minute break then call the on-road people and tell them I'll stop there for the repair.
Get hold of the company very first thing in the morning so that you aren't marked as abandoning the truck. It will be your word vs his, so expect some flack. Just keep a cool head when talking to the office people.
As for backing, it can take awhile to learn. I never got much practice when I first learned and it was 2 yrs later, when this guy was put on my truck, that I finally got it with a lot of practice. He wasn't very good at directing me, but he had me putting it in the door on every load. I got good at it. Then we got married and went to working on cattle ranches.
The shorter the trailer, the quicker it turns. I got good at hauling livestock and putting the trailer in strange places. When I came back on the road after 22 years, I found I hadn't lost my skill where backing was concerned. These past 5 yrs, I still have days where I have multiple attempts....and it's usually the easy doors.
Hang in there! Laura
“Using space that wouldn’t always be there...”... I call that “opportunistic.” The end goal is to not hit anything. When space is available, use it. There will be plenty of opportunities to knuckle down, concentrate, and put your trailer in a challenging hole. The longer you drive and learn comfortability with your truck, driving forward even, the easier it will be to back in to tight scenarios, because all the while you’re learning how your truck handles.
Follow IDMtnGal’s advice; moving forward, don’t vacate a trainer’s truck until a higher authority than your trainer’s tells you to do so. Do your trainer’s bidding; considering the length of your driving career, the time spent with a trainer is equivalent to the blink of an eye. Your trainer is not going to get you 100% ready for going solo anyway. Much of what you’ll learn will be gained from solo on-the-job experiences. Good luck, be humble, keep your eye on the prize.
Definitely get hold of your company today. Start calling in about an hour from now.
Sounds exactly like my first trainer. Hopefully the company gives you another trainer.
Stick with it, and practice as much as you can. Backing takes repetition and challenges to learn.
Here’s the picture of the tire
Some people actually find it easier to back a truck than to post a pic here. I had my struggles with both.
Click the preview tab before posting to double check if your pic loaded. If you see the pic you are good to go.
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Tomorrow would’ve marked 2 weeks on the truck. We didn’t really get along.( we never had words or argued he just didn’t talk to me)
I’m not good at backing, and this past Monday he snapped at me, because I was struggling. Tuesday my first two backs I nailed. After we got loaded my trainer told me to pull the truck out pull up and back it out of the way. I didn’t get it straight the first time and I can see him in the mirror throwing his arms and stomping. I just stop the truck since it was out of the way. He proceeds to chew me out again saying he didn’t understand why I couldn’t listen to simple instructions.he was Just real condescending and talking down to me. I just took it like I did the day before. I was so shook up I didn’t eat that day. I drove from Evansville Indiana to canton Ohio.
Wednesday we get a load of shingles, and when strapping the shingles I noticed the front trailer tire has a 6 inch gash in it. I showed it to my trainer and his response was wow I can’t believe it’s holding air. I said what do we have to do to fix it, and he goes we call road repair but let’s get going we will do it when we get To Kentucky. I didn’t argue away we went.
Today was fine until we pulled into a truck stop he had me practice backing. I screwed my setup the first time. 2nd time I was able to back it, but he said I was using space that wouldn’t always be there(lot was empty) 3rd time I did it again and he starts chewing me out. He goes you’re in the other parking spots you can’t do that. I said I had a hard time visualizing stuff, that isn’t there. He said we shouldn’t even be practing this in the 2nd week that I should have it down. He snaps now back it in. I was shaking and said I can’t and that he I didn’t like him being condescending and talking down to me. He then goes I can’t train you, and you need to get off the truck.
I was 45 minutes from home packed my things and took an Uber home. I knew the guy was horrible. He never pretriped his truck once. Claimed he did it every Sunday. When I would drive he would go into the sleeper put his earbuds in and watch tv nonstop. Never gave me feedback good or bad. I just kept going back to everything I read on this group. Training sucks just get through it. I was much better this week than last week. I was avoiding confrontation at all costs and this guy snapped at the smallest push back.
Lastly I went into Denny’s to get a bite to eat while waiting for my Uber. I was talking on my phone to my buddy about what happened. After I hung up this old guy in the next booth got up and goes I don’t mean to intrude but how long have you been driving? I said two weeks. He goes I was watching you backing. You were doing fine, and also saw that guy standing around. Was that your trainer flailing his arms and stomping around? Yea that was him I said. Pardon my French but that guy was a numb nut. He went on to encourage me to stick with it. He said after 20 years he has days he can’t back. Then without me knowing he bought my dinner. The dinner was nice but his words meant so much to me.
I will call my training coordinator tomorrow and see what’s next. Thanks for reading I just needed to vent. I love driving the truck but backing isn’t the easiest. It would be easy to give up now, but I’m not!
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