Hey, to me that’s what this site is all about. Some very experienced drivers willing to give advice. I’m very thankful and grateful for each person here that gives up there precious time to help the rookies !
Hey, to me that’s what this site is all about. Some very experienced drivers willing to give advice. I’m very thankful and grateful for each person here that gives up there precious time to help the rookies !
Yeah man I been driving for 2 yrs and just realize I got alot of learning to do.
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Hey drivers. Being, learning, helping, listening, watching other drivers, taking advice, researching about the parts of the truck. The other day I had a mechanical issue and when I didn't know what was wrong I talked with my boss and explained the issue. He was more knowledgeable about my issue and told me where to go and get it fixed. In no time the repairman had me up and running. I used to think being a driver was an individual thing. I work by myself, I get things done, nobody but myself knew what needed to be done. That is not at all true. All the other men and women who are apart of this industry combiner are a hidden treasure. They have seen more have been there and done that and got the t-shirt. I consider my short experiment into trucking quiet frankly just a drop in the bucket compared to all the other drivers.