It's always a great day when you get to wash your weiner!!!
Here is something my wife sent me. It is not really something that is slap your knee funny, but it brought a smile to my face.
Drive Safe and Godspeed.
So Trucking Truth has started an international edition! But why Luxembourg first?
So Trucking Truth has started an international edition! But why Luxembourg first?
Wow! See why I laugh when people keep touting autonomous vehicles? The largest companies in the world (Google) can't even build software that can consistently detect what language it's reading, but they're going to build big rigs that can navigate their way around big city traffic? That's great! Tell me another one!
So Trucking Truth has started an international edition! But why Luxembourg first?
Wow! See why I laugh when people keep touting autonomous vehicles? The largest companies in the world (Google) can't even build software that can consistently detect what language it's reading, but they're going to build big rigs that can navigate their way around big city traffic? That's great! Tell me another one!
I did ask for the translation. The only difference I saw was the title became "Trucker's Forum: Truc King Conversations". Google still gets it wrong - Luxembourg's leader is a Duke.
Ok, let's get this thread started again. I am in the mood for some funny pictures...
Ok, let's get this thread started again. I am in the mood for some funny pictures...
Linden, got to say a Young Man of your age you just made my day, Dude you are a funny Guy. Thanks for bringing a bit of humor to a really bad Tuesday.
There's just something unnerving about following this truck under tow.
(No way to rotate this picture. But you get the idea)
Operating While Intoxicated
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Well well well... Seems like the manufacturers need to go back to school... A literal monster truck lol