A written or electronic record of a driver's duty status which must be maintained at all times. The driver records the amount of time spent driving, on-duty not driving, in the sleeper berth, or off duty. The enforcement of the Hours Of Service Rules (HOS) are based upon the entries put in a driver's logbook.
ive been going over the log book thing with my dad.
he said back when he was messing around everyone drove 18 hours a day if they could get there books to look right.
ive been going over the log book thing with my dad.
he said back when he was messing around everyone drove 18 hours a day if they could get there books to look right.
Back in the day if you even mentioned logbook hours in a casual conversation everyone would just smile, pat you on the head like a little kid, and ask you how many weeks you've been driving. Because nobody cared about being legal. We only cared about appearing legal on paper. It was a game everyone played and everyone knew it - dispatch, DOT , safety department, logbook auditors - everyone. That's how business was done, with a wink and a nod.
As long as you stayed under the radar and didn't attract attention everyone was happy. But if you got caught one too many times your company would have to fire you to protect themselves. That was no concern though. You'd have ten job offers by noon that day. When you told companies you had years of experience, a perfect safety record, and you were fired from your last company for too many logbook violations they knew exactly what type of driver you were and they were happy to have you.
Nowadays everything has changed. Not only do you have electronic logbooks but you have the CSA (Compliance, Safety, and Accountability) Program which gives a score to both individual drivers and trucking companies based upon all kinds of performance criteria including accidents, logbook violations, and safety inspections. So logbook violations today are taken far more seriously than they were in the past.
The logbook is no longer really a game of cops & robbers for most new drivers coming into the industry because of electronic logbooks. And because of the CSA system the logbook violations drivers get work against them in a big way.
A written or electronic record of a driver's duty status which must be maintained at all times. The driver records the amount of time spent driving, on-duty not driving, in the sleeper berth, or off duty. The enforcement of the Hours Of Service Rules (HOS) are based upon the entries put in a driver's logbook.
The CSA is a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) initiative to improve large truck and bus safety and ultimately reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities that are related to commercial motor vehicle
A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.
State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.
Stopped at the TA in Tennessee today on I-81 exit 36. When I entered the stall in the men's restroom I was greeted by this sign above the toilet. This gives a whole new meaning to trying to balance your load. I'm not sure if they were writing citations for over weight loads or if maybe they were allowing you to pay a fee and get a special permit if you exceeded the limit. I just tried to hold everything real steady like and not lean to one side or the other - I wasn't over weight, but I sure didn't want to have some one coming in there wanting to do a level 3 inspection on me just because I had leaned a little too far to the left while I was trying to finish up the paperwork!
Operating While Intoxicated
Stopped at the TA in Tennessee today on I-81 exit 36. When I entered the stall in the men's restroom I was greeted by this sign above the toilet. This gives a whole new meaning to trying to balance your load. I'm not sure if they were writing citations for over weight loads or if maybe they were allowing you to pay a fee and get a special permit if you exceeded the limit. I just tried to hold everything real steady like and not lean to one side or the other - I wasn't over weight, but I sure didn't want to have some one coming in there wanting to do a level 3 inspection on me just because I had leaned a little too far to the left while I was trying to finish up the paperwork!
Operating While Intoxicated
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HA! Nope, construction zone with "Trucks must use left lane" signs all over it, with a speed limit of 55. This guy just wasn't much of a reader! ;)