Any current Crete drivers that can answer. Did some looking online about Crete and something's I read made it sound like their onboard computer not sure what they use,QulCom,PeopleNet ect.. But said the company does not pay the extra to have the GPS/Navigation option on their systems ? Is that true ? False? Also do they have a PrePay Toll device on their trucks ?
Haya, LongShot. Jamie, an astute member of our forum, has posted almost (i think?) every answer to yours asked. I will link you to all his posts, and pictures: Looky here, haha!
Jamie started with Schneider and moved on to Crete.
Yes this is true, during orientation they mentioned it was a liability regarding providing a GPS. But they do provide directions via message(s) over the peoplenet. I personally use my own GPS I had from my time at Schneider and usually match the route up with what they sent me or go a few extra miles if it's a better route.
Not having a prepass really isn't a problem if you're legal, if it's open you got to pull into the scale. I generally get sent into the bypass lane. But a lot of the scales I pass are generally closed besides in a few states.
Over all in my experience, Crete is an amazing company to work for and they make sure to keep you busy. Assuming you want to run and make on time deliveries.
Assuming you want to run and make on time deliveries.
What I meant by this statement for example, the previous driver who had this truck before me quit Crete saying how he never got any miles, etc according to his messages since he didnt sign out of peoplenet. But according to his messages he would try to refuse loads, was highly unreliable and had multiple service failures for being late. So of course he didn't get the good paying loads, since he wasn't a reliable driver. He just wanted the good loads, and refused to do the short loads we all have to do every now and then.
Forgot to mention, we do have BestPass for tolls, but we are only authorized to use toll roads if the route tells us we can. I heard it comes out of your pay check if you use toll roads that aren't authorized, but I did it once by mistake and didn't get charged. Might depend on the price.
But nonetheless, they will not tun you down side roads to avoid toll roads, they try to send you on the best route for the company both time and cost wise. Just because there is a toll road. Doesn't always mean it's a better route.
Assuming you want to run and make on time deliveries.
What I meant by this statement for example, the previous driver who had this truck before me quit Crete saying how he never got any miles, etc according to his messages since he didnt sign out of peoplenet. But according to his messages he would try to refuse loads, was highly unreliable and had multiple service failures for being late. So of course he didn't get the good paying loads, since he wasn't a reliable driver. He just wanted the good loads, and refused to do the short loads we all have to do every now and then.
You must have gotten my old truck there Jamie!
Thanks Jamie. At my last company the directions for a load were automatically loaded into the QualComm's GPS after you accepted the load. What do their directions look like ? Are they step by step or just coordinates ? Please tell me the GPS you use. Looks like I will need to buy one.
Just had 78 yr old Crete driver approach us at the Auroura Neb Love"s and the CRST truck beside us.....been there 18 years said recruiting crst victims lol took his card to save nice guy.....but pay he says aintcwhat Cretes page says.....Told him thanks might check back in 6 months when my contract is fulfilled
I'll post a picture of how the directions look once I get back to my truck. Just parked for the night.
Just had 78 yr old Crete driver approach us at the Auroura Neb Love"s and the CRST truck beside us.....been there 18 years said recruiting crst victims lol took his card to save nice guy.....but pay he says aintcwhat Cretes page says.....Told him thanks might check back in 6 months when my contract is fulfilled
What did he say the pay was? Its different depending on the fleet you join. I'm not sure about the other fleets, but the 21 day national fleet I am on starts out at 50(up to 53 cents starting out depending on experience)cents a mile empty or loaded, but other ones pay less such as the 12 day fleet, etc.
The directions look like this on the peoplenet:
I use the garmin dezl 780 GPS, haven't really had any problems with it. just got to use common sense, and don't go down a road just because it tells you too. A few times I have kept going because the road didnt look truck friendly, or even stopped safely to view it on google satellite to confirm it was okay for trucks.
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Any current Crete drivers that can answer. Did some looking online about Crete and something's I read made it sound like their onboard computer not sure what they use,QulCom,PeopleNet ect.. But said the company does not pay the extra to have the GPS/Navigation option on their systems ? Is that true ? False? Also do they have a PrePay Toll device on their trucks ?