Question... does the company provide chains for the truck? Can you go to the shop and sign out 8 chains for the winter and return them in the spring or is the driver required to buy their own?
Most companies do, but some companies require you to pay for the chains in advance. Those that do require this will buy them back when a driver departs.
Just to add to old school excellent information on chains. Washington requires that you carry 2 extra chains, thats why he got cited for not having 7 instead of 5. Also in California you can use a set of 3 link chains, they cover a duel set of drive tires in place of chaining inside and out side of the front drive axel with single chains. In my 6 ish years of running donner I have never needed to chain all 4 tires on the front drive axel. They shut the road down before it gets that bad most of the time. I still carry enough chains to get the job done, I currently have 9 chains on my truck I always brake some in the winter time. Part of winter driving is knowing when to shut down and when to drive there are no hard and fast rules other then when the dot says its closed its closed. As for weight stations/ports of entry. There are a lot of places in the west were you are required to exit the freeway or cross over the road to to the WS/PI.
OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.
A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.
State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.
Operating While Intoxicated
Here's my 16 tire chains on two racks.
Also note the 2 X 6 boards strapped to the catwalk, and the wheel chocks. I use these when chaining up. Drive up onto a 2 X 6 and it lifts the outside tire off the ground, allowing for faster chaining. Wide-base singles on the trailers take longer. Snow Soks take about three minutes per tire.
Operating While Intoxicated
Now that we have discussed chains what do you guys think about tire socks?
Now that we have discussed chains what do you guys think about tire socks?
Love them if I'm going to be strictly on snow. If on any asphalt, it will tear holes in them, QUICK! Same thing if the wheel were to spin.
They are fast to install or remove, but these are expensive. Like the price of two pairs of chains for one pair of the Soks.
If a person has the money, and wants to get over a mountain today (instead of sitting for several days), I highly recommend them.
Thanks murderspolywog! I knew you guys would have some more information worth knowing. By the way, it's great to hear from you!
Operating While Intoxicated
Having driven only up and down portions of the East Coast I know I would never have imagined a weigh station on the opposite side of the road.
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The company provides them. You can return them when you don't need them.