Ghosting Your Company

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Truckin’Steve's Comment
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What do you all think about ghosting a company? It would seem in this day and age with companies abruptly shutting down makes ghosting a more tenable thing. Ghosting is where you just up and leave the company with no communication etc.

I left Schneider with a text message to my DBL after raising concerns about raises that I was told I’d get but never did. Didn’t mind that job on the Target dedicated account the pay just wasn’t there.

Now I’m at Swift and considering ghosting them. Was told it was 90% drop and hook but it’s been 100% live unloads/loads on the Costco account.

I think it’s time for me to realize trucking isn’t for me. Guess I’m stuck going back to the office :(

Drop And Hook:

Drop and hook means the driver will drop one trailer and hook to another one.

In order to speed up the pickup and delivery process a driver may be instructed to drop their empty trailer and hook to one that is already loaded, or drop their loaded trailer and hook to one that is already empty. That way the driver will not have to wait for a trailer to be loaded or unloaded.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Deleted Account's Comment
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How do u handle turning the truck in if you don't communicate with them? If you're under a load or dispatched to pick a load up when you do this you're seriously hurting your career. I was always taught to give notice and continue to do the best of your ability while working out your notice. You never know what happens and you may need to go back at some point.

How long have you been at Swift?

Cantankerous Amicus's Comment
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If you keep ghosting these companies then I wouldn't be surprised if the trucking industry decides you aren't for them. Ghosting is really unprofessional behavior. In fact if you try going back to working in an office, you might have troubles landing a job there too, should they decide to check your employment history.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Grandpa's Comment
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Why ghost a company?

Be a man and give them proper notice. You are contemplating doing this twice. This can come back to haunt you.

Just because you will be applying for a job in another line of work dont think that this irresponsibility won't hurt you.


Transportation Worker Identification Credential

Truck drivers who regularly pick up from or deliver to the shipping ports will often be required to carry a TWIC card.

Your TWIC is a tamper-resistant biometric card which acts as both your identification in secure areas, as well as an indicator of you having passed the necessary security clearance. TWIC cards are valid for five years. The issuance of TWIC cards is overseen by the Transportation Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Jamie's Comment
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I don't believe in ghosting a company, regardless of how they deal business. I always give my notice and stick with it. When I left Schneider local home depot account, I gave my DBL and the account manager my two week notice and stuck by it, I didn't leave early, I showed up to work on time, did my job like I would any other day, and even did a few favors for my old DBL during that time. Once my two weeks came up, I said my goodbyes and went to Crete orientation a day and a half later and been here since. Its professional courtesy to handle it this way.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Truckin’Steve's Comment
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How do u handle turning the truck in if you don't communicate with them? If you're under a load or dispatched to pick a load up when you do this you're seriously hurting your career. I was always taught to give notice and continue to do the best of your ability while working out your notice. You never know what happens and you may need to go back at some point.

How long have you been at Swift?

About two weeks at Swift. I left the truck at the Target store for Schneider. I offered to drive it to the OC but they came and got it with no notice anyway. The truck for Swift is at the DC right now which will be fine.

Banks's Comment
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This can be fixed by having a conversation. Just call swift and ask to be reassigned. As for ghosting, you're not hurting anybody but yourself. Swift and Schneider aren't going to notice you being gone from one day to the next.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Robert D. (Raptor)'s Comment
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It could still bite u in the ass. It could be determined that it is an abandoned vehicle situation. Then try to get a job anywhere. If you've been at Swift for only 2 weeks, how can you say it's bad? Before doing that I would ask about changing accounts or go OTR. I n the 11 months I was with Swift, I didn't touch any refrigerated freight. So....... Be a man.and give notice. Swift has 26,000 or trucks and drivers. Do you thi k that if everyone quit because they didn't get their way where the trucking industry be? You sound like the."ME GENERATION". ME, ME, ME. YOU need to grow up. This isn't Burger King, you can't always have your way! I don't condone this kind of behavior at all.



Over The Road

OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.

Delco Dave's Comment
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Absolutely not, in any industry. Put yourself in their shoes for a minute!!! What if someone just up and rolled on you when you were depending on them??? They have things scheduled for you to do and are relying on you to get that work done. Give them proper notice and suck it up for the next 2 weeks.

Being a landscape business owner, I have had guys just disappear and royally screw me. My whole schedule had to be reworked, jobs had to be postponed and I had to find a replacement and train yet another guy. I’m 45 and only had 4 full time jobs before I started my own business. Gave every one ample notice when I was departing just as I have given all my current customers 3 months notice that I will not be in business any longer and another company will be taking care of them going forward.



Substance Abuse Professional

The Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) is a person who evaluates employees who have violated a DOT drug and alcohol program regulation and makes recommendations concerning education, treatment, follow-up testing, and aftercare.

PackRat's Comment
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I think it’s time for me to realize trucking isn’t for me. Guess I’m stuck going back to the office :(

After reading your Poor Me post about everything is just so awful because you need to actually work for a paycheck, I completely agree.

Trucking is not for you.

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