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Michael B.'s Comment
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Western Express what do think I have not been otr In years did a bit of local truck did not have time to get warm Anyhow not looking for any negative things about them I am looking at the glass half full


Over The Road

OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.

Wine Taster's Comment
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I have no idea what you just said! Translation anyone?

Scott B.'s Comment
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I have no idea what you just said! Translation anyone?

Pretty sure he is looking for info on Western Express. Also, he is not looking for disgruntled company bashing.

guyjax(Guy Hodges)'s Comment
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Western Express what do think I have not been otr In years did a bit of local truck did not have time to get warm Anyhow not looking for any negative things about them I am looking at the glass half full

Huh? I have not heard so many running sentences Without Any periods since my 5 year nephew decided eating a whole box of chocolate was a good idea.

What I got from that incredibly long sentence is that he is wanting an unbiased view of Western Express.


Over The Road

OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.

Starcar's Comment
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Now Now Now....we are not going to start the CWWP..(Correct Written Word Police)....We all write..and we all make mistakes...or our phones make them for us...and since we also don't have a edit, and I"m the worst for not looking at what I type before I hit post...I make mistakes. But that isn't why we are here, and its easier to ask for a simple explanation than to hack and chop. That being said.....

Michael...I'm kinda confused on what you I'm going to assume that you would like to know anything anyone knows about Western Express....I think we have or have had a few drivers who worked for lets hope someone can answer your question. I do know I see alot of their trucks out west, and they do seem to have nice equipment.

Old School's Comment
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Michael, I drive a flat-bed for Western Express. They do have a program for guys in your situation. I believe the way it works is that you will go out with a trainer for two weeks and then you go out for a month as a team with another driver who is also coming in as a refresher student. Then you get issued your own truck to run solo in.

I have no complaints with Western, in fact I have been treated very well. I talk to a lot of drivers who moan and groan about the company, but it only takes a few questions for me to realize that they are their own worst enemy and try to blame all their issues on the company. In this business if you will work hard at being the best, and tackle what ever comes your way, you will come out on top. Remember this is a performance based job - the people who are "getting er done" are the people who are happy and productive in this field. It won' matter if you work for Western Express, U.S. Express, or the Pony Express, if you start every new day with the attitude that you are going to be the best in the fleet today no matter what gets in your way, you will be on a satisfying journey to a good solid career.

DISCO's Comment
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Old School... Do you still work for WE?

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