Anyone who says stuff like this has most likely never been in the military.
If ANY order was given to invade or attack Americans IN AMERICA, the military would fragment.
Totally agree with you Auggie69. But that doesn't negate my argument that the weapons of "we the people" are going to protect us from the fire power of any well funded national army, including our own.
Auggie69 points out:
.. illegal orders to attack Americans.
Thank you, Auggie, for reminding us. Even when the Commander In Chief recently deployed US Army to the southern border, all they could do was "support operations" - no guns.
Though the US military is the most powerful military, I'll just say it's really bad form to go after fellow Americans. A reminder of this: the Waco siege
Anyone who says stuff like this has most likely never been in the military.
If ANY order was given to invade or attack Americans IN AMERICA, the military would fragment.
Totally agree with you Auggie69. But that doesn't negate my argument that the weapons of "we the people" are going to protect us from the fire power of any well funded national army, including our own.
Yes, they will. Washington took on the largest military in the world and won.
It's not the size of the weapon - it's how it is used :)
It's not the size of the weapon - it's how it is used :)
Nice try. But if you want to put up your rifles and pistols against missiles being dropped from aircraft... well, be my guest!
It's not the size of the weapon - it's how it is used :)
Nice try. But if you want to put up your rifles and pistols against missiles being dropped from aircraft... well, be my guest!
Don't have to. You're assuming that those who fly those aircraft and dropping missiles will do as ordered. My argument is that they will not.
I have not rec’d 1 message from the company on the issue yet. We haul chemicals into some very large plants that make toilet paper and other things being hoarded. I wonder if our load numbers will go up?? I’m just thankful at this point I’m being reloaded each time I get empty!!
It's not the size of the weapon - it's how it is used :)
Nice try. But if you want to put up your rifles and pistols against missiles being dropped from aircraft... well, be my guest!
And if they're shooting cruise and hellfires @ american citizens/cities - it really IS ALL OVER now, isn't it?
I'll go down fighting for my city/state/country and my countryman. I SWORE AN OATH, that didn't expire when my enlistment did. AND TO THIS DAY - I TAKE THAT OATH SERIOUSLY.
Keeping in mind, from a political standpoint - "us gun-toting patriots" are the current POTUS's biggest supporters - he ain't gonna be SHOOTING AT US - WE WILL BE SHOOTING FOR HIM.
If it gets so far that there is a coup or other breakdown of government - again - IT REALLY IS ALL OVER.
So what's the difference at that point?
My biggest (personal) issue right now - is that a KEY MAN in any small 4-man operating unit I would form - is IN JACKSON MEMORIAL ISOLATION UNIT right now, with COVID-19. And this is a guy that trains PD's, SWAT Teams and military.
Him, my oldest son, and one other key player. Stay small - stay mobile.
Keep in mind - the "average gun owner" has no .mil experience, and no training. I've done more post-mil training serious tactical training (with some of the top tactical guys in the country - Travis Haley & Chris Costa), than I did in the mil. I was just ships security force and assistant armorer on my ship. The "average citizen" will be USELESS in Bretts "doomsday scenario", they will say "baaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh" and do what they're told to ensure their survival (and eventual slavery).
Which also makes me a target if SHTF. But it also means if this all goes to hell, after my amazon pickup today, I can be out the door in under 30 minutes (less if I just keep the truck loaded - but I don't want all that stuff riding around with me beforehand).
Keep in mind - many non-active "oath keepers" are our PD's, EMT's and other public service organizations - and THEY WILL NEVER TURN AGAINST THEIR COUNTRY OR COUNTRYMAN.
So when we talk about the "militia" being every american - and look at the people who are ACTUALLY READY TO DEFEND - there's still a whole helluvalot of us out here. And a majority have chosen to live in "relatively free states" FOR THAT VERY REASON.
And if they're shooting cruise and hellfires @ american citizens/cities - it really IS ALL OVER now, isn't it?
Yes sir, it would be. I agree with you and Auggie69. I can't see it coming to that, but if it does I'd be doing my damndest to fight back too. It's somewhat of a silly hypothetical to me. If it were to come to that we are at an apocalyptic ending, but I've got to tell you when they start telling me I'm not allowed to go to my favorite restaurants, it feels really eerie.
I'm in Ohio this week, taking a little break to see my children and grandkids. The Whiner declared all restaurants must not allow guests inside. I'm going, "This is nuts!" Honestly, I can't believe I'm being forced to move about as the powers that be allow. I'm getting a good taste of totalitarianism this week, and it's leaving a really bad taste in my mouth.
Old School - where in OH?
As for: "It's not the size of the weapon - it's how it is used :)"...
We're still talking about the "Pandemic" right?
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Well, they estimate the flu infects between 10 to 45 million Americans each year. If the coronavirus spread as much as the flu and ended up infecting the same amount of people, that'd be 200,000 to 900,000 deaths. The mortality rate could be 3 to 4% or it could be 1%, the flu's is 0.1%.
Right now they estimate that on average one infected person is infecting 2.2 more people, the flu's basic reproduction number is 1.3. So that could potentially be 400,000 to 1,800,000 deaths.
The real problem is how it kills them. The flu brings bacterial pneumonia, but the coronavirus brings acute respiratory distress syndrome. There's medication for the first one, but they need ventilators for ARDS. If there's enough hospital beds and ventilators to go around, they can reduce the # of people with severe cases of infection who would die. But if the hospitals fill up past capacity all at once, more of them will simply be left to die.
Personally I don't think the problem is the way everything is being shut down in an attempt to slow its spread. I think the problem is nothing was done to be ready for all of the implications of shutting everything down. They knew this was coming, but there was no plan in place for how to mitigate the damage to the economy that the necessity of shutting things down would lead to. There should've been financial reserves to cover salaries and operating costs of businesses for at least three months. People should've been drilled for this like it were an impending nuclear war.
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