Way to go Girl!
Wow! So many people on here getting rewards! Guess this is the right place to learn. If you want to be the best, you have to learn from the best! WTG! That is awesome RedGator!
Hey congrats Redgator!!! That's awesome!
Cool Redgator. It's great when companies recognize their employees for their hard work and achievements. I hope I hook up with a company like that. Gratz!
Great job!
Great job! Make sure you bring the rest of us back some food! lol.
Now they better set some pretty awesome food on that table... for all the times you ate a cold dinner so their freight could be on time...for every time you MISSED eating, so their freight could be picked up on time...for every time you missed your shower...so they could get that load going just a little sooner.... And for all the other sacrifices that you have made, to make the company look good to its shippers receivers, and shareholders...And of course you have also made your dispatcher , manager, and upper freight office staff look good too.
So yeah...they better feed you damned good.....
The customer who is shipping the freight. This is where the driver will pick up a load and then deliver it to the receiver or consignee.
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Every year my company has a Best of the Best Banquet for the top 50 drivers in the company. Guess who was invited;-) Yep this girl right here! Im so excited. Just had to share. Hard work is recognized.