ps: Do they haul mail ?!? Their company logo is quite similar to that of the USPS .. especially at first glance!
Not that I'm aware of, I've only seen them pulling reefers. They're a roughly 500 truck operation based out of Le Mars (NW iowa). They do alot of dedicated stuff out of the Blue Bunny ice cream factory up there
Auuughh.. Blue Bunny.. too bad I'm 'lactoast!' (As my mouth waters.. and I've got sherbet.. yay.)
Wonder if Greg M. would know..!?!? He was 'doing postal' .. IIRC?
Do you NOT see the 'similarities?' The logo .. hmm.. I can 'saferweb ' it.. yet I won't.
HUBBY is HOME! YAY, and.. Anne, back Quiet. Luck in Battle! << Some of y'all might know where I stole that from, haha!
I'm hungry.. dang ya!
Thanks, Rob T.
~ Anne ~
*and the incidental Tom, looking over my shoulder, says thats a Post Office truck, haha!*
A refrigerated trailer.
I didn't get a picture but 2 days ago at a Pilot, pump 29, as I was walking up to the store a truck was pulling forward from the pumps, he was eating a sammich he probably just bought and I stopped for him to get to the yellow line so he could finish his 30 (I know right) well as he is moving up I ran up and banged on his passenger door for him to stop. He got out and walked around and there, hanging out of the fuel tank was none other than the entire hose he forgot to remove from his tank after fueling. Didn't want him to go driving down the highway like that. I was nice enough to snitch on him when I got in the store. No, I did not end up with stitches or in any ditches.
I swear about once every four to six weeks, I pull in for fuel and there's a missing nozzle or the entire hose absent in my lane. I always pick the worst lane....
Maybe it's the same guy, collecting trophies ?!?!? <<< You know .. kinda like a serial killer ?!?!
Could be!
Sioux City Iowa he hadn't quite made it to the Loves yet.
I'm not sure how long it took to get it raised but he was gone 20 minutes later when I left the pilot on the other side of I29. He got lucky it caught on his frame and didn't collapse the landing gear. Ironically I'd spent a couple hours waiting on backhauls (4 hours at 1st, 3 1/2 at 2nd!) this morning watching bonehead truckers on YouTube just to get moving and see this. There was a nice traffic jam trying to get into Loves and the industrial area tucked away back there.
It appears nobody was injured in this instance, but ALWAYS double and triple check you're properly connected.
I saw one of those yesterday too lol jb hunt dropped one in the middle of an intersection. It caught on his tractor frame too. Took him over 20 mins to get it raised and back under it.
Taken at a Costco DC. Oops:
That swift trailer is in a similar position to when I forgot to roll down the legs and pulled out from under the trailer.
That swift trailer is in a similar position to when I forgot to roll down the legs and pulled out from under the trailer.
Yeah, but I'm thinking this guy had a bit more in the box than you did. Can't even imagine cranking up 40K or so.
HA! Who needs a gym membership?!?!?
HA! Who needs a gym membership?!?!?
LOL! That's what I'd tell my boss. "But, hey! I was only trying to stay in shape!"
HA! Who needs a gym membership?!?!?
LOL! That's what I'd tell my boss. "But, hey! I was only trying to stay in shape!"
I would try and avoid telling the boss. Hard to explain that one.
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Not that I'm aware of, I've only seen them pulling reefers. They're a roughly 500 truck operation based out of Le Mars (NW iowa). They do alot of dedicated stuff out of the Blue Bunny ice cream factory up there
A refrigerated trailer.