Hooray for small victories! These all add up to become large bounds towards your goal.
Thanks PackRat 😃👍🏼
UPDATE YALL @ 11:52PM on 7/17/20‼
Well talked to my recruiter today and I'm a GO on heading out on Sunday. Got an electric greyhound bus ticket to a rented house I got with the help of Titan. Will arrive atleast an hour before departure. The bus doesn't depart til 1:05pm. And it's only a 4 hour ride!!!! Whaaaaat!!. Was extremely shocked as some people reported having to ride for 8+ hours. But all and all,IM BEYOND EXCITED ‼‼‼‼
Best of luck to you, Bubbles. I’ve been learning a lot from your posts, and I’m looking forward to reading your training diary. Take this opportunity one lesson at a time; you’ve got this 😀
Great to hear, Bubbles. Best of luck to you!
That is awesome news!!! You must have studied hard for that last test
Congrats!!! Get yourself ready it is about to get real busy real fast!!
Thanks Darin & Turtle! I will definitely update you all on my training progression
Thanks PJ!!!! Yes I studied my butt off (literally). I'm beyond excited for the next step in this industry. And your absolutely right,its about to get real,real quick.
Well wish me luck you guys.Im nervous as crap but im determined to pass and obtain my cdl-A and have a job placement with the Titan family.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
Update @ 4:46PM on 7/19/20‼
On our way to Nashville. When I say we,i mean my husband and I. He decided to take me and there for me. He will be spending these for weeks supporting me even though he really doesn't want me to do trucking. Hopefully we make it to the nice lady who we'll rent the home from. Super nervous!! Yall wish me luck!!
Will update again soon.
Best wishes, Bubbles. Having the support of a spouse in this industry, is PRICELESS~!!
Wish you the BEST, M'LADY~! :)
Update @ 3:47PM on 7/20/20‼ Class was great. I was kinda iffy on my pre-trip but horrible once my instructor got me in the driver seat to move the truck forward and back ( and yes it was a MANUAL😮). He told me that Titan fleet has all automatics,but wanted us to test with manual so we wouldn't have a restriction on our cdl-A. As of right now I'm extremely home sick. But I'm sure these 4 weeks will go by quickly. Will continue studying and studying. Wish me luck everyone. SERIOUSLY!!!!!
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
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Hooray for small victories! These all add up to become large bounds towards your goal.