I don’t know what they got you doing where your at but I’ll tell you how it typically should be going. You get a paper that tells you word for word what to point at and what to say while your pointing at it. I sat down one night and just kept reading that paper over and over until i memorized it word for word. There shouldn’t be anything that comes up that will throw you through a loop.
To answer your question I don’t think there will be any difference between a manual and auto except for maybe when you do the air brake test. Your supposed to put the transmission in 1st gear and shut the truck off during the air brake test. I never did learn what you do in an auto so I figured you put it in drive. So the first time I did it in an auto I put it in drive and shut the truck off. Then I switched the key over without starting it and the alarm kept going off. I got sick of hearing that alarm so I switched it to neutral for the test. I don’t think it matters though. The alarm I’m talking about is the one that tells you your trucks in drive and won’t start until it’s in neutral.
Remind me agai. Are you studying fir a permit, or are you actually in school now. Is the school you are going to using tractors with manual or automatic transmissions? They will give you a pre-trip sheet to review and use to practice your pre-trip for or their tractors (and test). If you are currently studying before going to school or for your permit test, I would study manual transmission. Also, I would assume the in cab testing along with air brake testing will be different depending on the tractors used at the school you are going to. Again, the school will show you this and give you the materials you need.
Thanks Rubber Duck & Don for your replies. Yeah I'm studying way before going to training. Want to make I know as much as possible. I've also watched videos on manual (yes I just saw that I spelt manual 3 dozen times including my title darnit) & automatic In-cab pre-trips. I'm getting there. Will practice a few more times before my leave out date and until I receive my official pre-trip study guide from the school. Just 8 days left and counting down quickly
This is great initiative on your part and shows a good deal of character. However don't be rigid in your personal training to the point where it becomes difficult to re learn the way your new employer wants it done.
First day at Prime for my class, they handed us the pre trip sheets then spent the next ten minutes having us go through it crossing things out, re wording and editing things.
Get a good feel on the general procedure but I promise, you will have an absolute ton of time to study the exact frame work for your employer while your training as well.
Keep the attitude.
You follow Daniel B's pre trip on here and you'll be just fine.
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Good evening everyone, I have yet ANOTHER quick question. Ok I'm still practicing my Pre-Trip inspection. Is there a difference between the manual and automatic trucks when it comes to looking under the hood? Really Really Really want to pass my pre-trip with flying colors. All responses will be very appreciated. Thank you all.
Pre-trip Inspection:
A pre-trip inspection is a thorough inspection of the truck completed before driving for the first time each day.
Federal and state laws require that drivers inspect their vehicles. Federal and state inspectors also may inspect your vehicles. If they judge a vehicle to be unsafe, they will put it “out of service” until it is repaired.