Don't politicize masks.
The facts:
Top 5 Countries with the lowest percentage of mask commitment:
1. USA 2. Brazil 3. India 4. Russia 5. South Africa
Top 5 Countries with the most COVID deaths: 1. USA 2. Brazil 3. India 4. Russia 5. South Africa
Currently, There are more people with COVID in just Texas & Florida than the rest of the entire world, minus Brazil, Russia and India.
Just those 2 states make up a significant percentage of all COVID infections. Clearly, the brilliant minds on YouTube/Facebook were wrong about masks.
You don't have to be "Pot Committed" because you were wrong once. Strong, smart people can change their minds when presented with information they didn't have before. That's how learning works.
Sorry, its just on my mind alot lately, as I wait for my COVID test results and am stuck trying to work from home.
Don't politicize masks.
The facts:
Top 5 Countries with the lowest percentage of mask commitment:
1. USA 2. Brazil 3. India 4. Russia 5. South Africa
Top 5 Countries with the most COVID deaths: 1. USA 2. Brazil 3. India 4. Russia 5. South Africa
Currently, There are more people with COVID in just Texas & Florida than the rest of the entire world, minus Brazil, Russia and India.
Just those 2 states make up a significant percentage of all COVID infections. Clearly, the brilliant minds on YouTube/Facebook were wrong about masks.
You don't have to be "Pot Committed" because you were wrong once. Strong, smart people can change their minds when presented with information they didn't have before. That's how learning works.
Sorry, its just on my mind alot lately, as I wait for my COVID test results and am stuck trying to work from home.
Dang, Jerrod. I will keep you in thoughts and prayers, man. Keep us posted, good sir.
Anne ~
India's population is 1.35 BILLION people. They only have had 30,601 deaths at the most recent numbers I can find. No way that would make them #3.
Don't politicize masks.
The facts:
Top 5 Countries with the lowest percentage of mask commitment:
1. USA 2. Brazil 3. India 4. Russia 5. South Africa
Top 5 Countries with the most COVID deaths: 1. USA 2. Brazil 3. India 4. Russia 5. South Africa
Currently, There are more people with COVID in just Texas & Florida than the rest of the entire world, minus Brazil, Russia and India.
Just those 2 states make up a significant percentage of all COVID infections. Clearly, the brilliant minds on YouTube/Facebook were wrong about masks.
You don't have to be "Pot Committed" because you were wrong once. Strong, smart people can change their minds when presented with information they didn't have before. That's how learning works.
Sorry, its just on my mind alot lately, as I wait for my COVID test results and am stuck trying to work from home.
Don't politicize masks.
The facts:
Top 5 Countries with the lowest percentage of mask commitment:
1. USA 2. Brazil 3. India 4. Russia 5. South Africa
Top 5 Countries with the most COVID deaths: 1. USA 2. Brazil 3. India 4. Russia 5. South Africa
Currently, There are more people with COVID in just Texas & Florida than the rest of the entire world, minus Brazil, Russia and India.
Just those 2 states make up a significant percentage of all COVID infections. Clearly, the brilliant minds on YouTube/Facebook were wrong about masks.
You don't have to be "Pot Committed" because you were wrong once. Strong, smart people can change their minds when presented with information they didn't have before. That's how learning works.
Sorry, its just on my mind alot lately, as I wait for my COVID test results and am stuck trying to work from home.
Wrong on deaths
BTW everyone who says don't politicize masks then goes on to make s political statement
On to another part of the Friday news....
I don't believe that 10 million miles for a second. I know five drivers that have passed the 5 million miles mark. All of them started at under 21, driving was their only career path, and all of them are over 70 years old.
Wrong on deaths
BTW everyone who says don't politicize masks then goes on to make s political statement
What part of what I said was political?
And this is a screen shot from the link you just shared... weird, its exactly the top 5 I listed!
And this is a screen shot from the link you just shared... weird, its exactly the top 5 I listed!
That's because you have it sorted by the wrong column. Jrod, I'm sure you're a fine recruiter, but a statistician you are not.
And this is a screen shot from the link you just shared... weird, its exactly the top 5 I listed!
That's because you have it sorted by the wrong column. Jrod, I'm sure you're a fine recruiter, but a statistician you are not.
I didn't touch a thing. Just clicked his link. Yes, I could have sorted it any number of ways, but I didn't want to start moving goal posts. Just clicked his link and that's how it defaults.
I always caution myself to remember one of Mark Twain's favorite sayings. "There are three kinds of lies: Lies, damned lies, and statistics."
Sorting the WorldMeter or WorldOMeter statistics charts in any number of ways does reveal different ways of viewing the statistics. For example, sorting by the only statistic that really matters -- the number of deaths per capita -- shows a vastly different picture than just looking at gross fatality numbers. sorted for deaths per 100K population makes a cruise ship the worst "country." And the United States is comfortably low on the list. sorted for deaths per 1 million population again shows the United States below the top 10.
But, here's where Mark Twain got it right. Without a column for mask usage broken down by when usage began in a population, and how many in the population actually wear the masks, what kinds of masks, and whether the people wear them correctly and practice good mask "hygiene," and a good statistically valid comparison to the other statistical columns, then all you've got is grounds for a never-ending argument about causation vs. correlation.
Where the media and agenda-driven "experts" get it wrong is in mixing up statistics, some from Column A, some from Column B, etc., sending them through their personal grinder and coming out with something that has no relation to the truth of the matter. That's where we are at with this virus thing right now. And that's where the political nature of the virus reaction comes in.
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In this Friday Short Haul Love's announces mask requirement, John Christner driver hits 10-million safe miles mark, CVSA announced Brake Safety Week, and a TuSimple autonomous truck is involved in an incident on I-10.
Friday Short Haul - Love's requires masks, 10-million-mile driver, brake check blitz, and TuSimple truck incident