Alright I started with a plea for restraint, and then couldn’t restrain myself. See how hard it is?
I saw that!
Call me sheep if you want, but to get along in society (or a career) sometimes you need to do things you don't want to do.
Let's also remember that to have a strong, healthy, stable society you sometimes must root out people who are bent on destroying it or manipulating it for their own gains. That starts with bringing an awareness of the problem to those who don't see it.
All imma gunna say is.....classifying a death as due to covid. when their prior health issues were the main cause always comes back to MONEY!!!
Yes, it does. With COVID it's rather easy to follow the money and see who the big winners are financially. This has been a big eye-opener when it comes to our society's ability for critical thinking. Some listen blindly to anything they're told while others seek the truth for themselves regardless of the original source.
As to CoVID-19, I just follow the suggestions/rules in wearing Masks and either work gloves or throwaways when out-n-about which anymore is on an "as needed" basis. - - - - Pilot Joining Love's in Mask Mandates and soon enough shall all other Truck Stops, Garages, etc. - - - - I've done some calculations regarding the 10,000,000 mile "award": 10,000,000 / 100,000 a year = 100 Years. 10,000,000 / 150,000 a year = 66.66666666666667 Years and NO TIME OFF since 1954 or 1953. 150,000 / 12 = 12,500 a month at the average of 4 weeks a month = 3,125 a WEEK and NO TIME OFF. 150,000 / 365 = 446 miles a day (it's feasible, yet every day for 66 years?). Adding in all the changes in Trucking just from the 1980's, he's truly a "Knight Of The Highways". - - - - CHEERS!!
Jrod, that column you sorted by the last time is "New Deaths" which is the # of deaths a country reported for that day only.
I don't think it's a vast political conspiracy. (I'd love to be wrong about that though, I bet it would make an amazing story!)
Oh you're definitely wrong about that. It's an amazing story the same way Hitler's was an amazing story. It's the story of sociopaths who fought their way to the top of the food chain and manipulated the world for their personal gains. The same story as humanity has lived for thousands of years, only the actors and the methods change.
I meant the reason we all can't have pet lions in our apartments isn't a vast conspiracy.
But I agree - we are run by sociopaths in congress, the senate and the whitehouse. The #1 factor in deciding who should be in charge of the US should be "Reject anyone who wants the job".
I know the 'fun' theory is to claim everyone who dies gets labeled as COVID and that all 900,000 active US medical doctors and all 2500 US Medical Examiners are all in 100% agreement to make this mislabling happen because_________. Obviously.
But the only actual information I can find keeps leading to states covering up and hiding COVID deaths.
Example from Today: Texas forced to admit 600 unreported COVID deaths
Or: Florida Suddenly Has a Pneumonia Epidemic - Are 7x More People Dying From Pneumonia in Florida?
And I'm not even sure its political:
"Inaccurate death reporting is a long-standing problem in the US. A review of Missouri hospitals in 2017, for example, found nearly half of death certificates listed an incorrect cause of death. A Vermont study found 51% of death certificates had major errors. Nearly half of the physicians the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention surveyed in 2010 admitted that they knowingly reported an inaccurate cause of death."
Operating While Intoxicated
Land Line Mag ran an interesting article where they interviewed a handful of truck drivers who were diagnosed with COVID-19, if you're curious as to how they handled it and what the process to getting back on the road was.
Land Line Mag ran an interesting article where they interviewed a handful of truck drivers who were diagnosed with COVID-19, if you're curious as to how they handled it and what the process to getting back on the road was.
What ever happened with YOUR results, Jrod? Did they clear you to return to the office finally ?!?!?! (Brad says hi, btw....)
Yes! I'm clear - Thank you for asking! I got my results yesterday around 2:00 PM and was back in the office by 2:45 PM, lol!
Land Line Mag ran an interesting article where they interviewed a handful of truck drivers who were diagnosed with COVID-19, if you're curious as to how they handled it and what the process to getting back on the road was.
What ever happened with YOUR results, Jrod? Did they clear you to return to the office finally ?!?!?! (Brad says hi, btw....)
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Packrat, I wondered about that myself. At 2,500 miles a week, every week it's almost 77 years to reach 10 million miles (I think my math is correct, please let me know otherwise).
Is it feasible for a driver to go a year without time off, let alone 77 years?
Please note: I am not a driver, and have no experience about any of that.