Depression In Trucking

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Jordens C.'s Comment
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I've been driving for 7 years and I don't think depression is spoken about enough. Trucking sucks so much out of you. Sure there are some great things about it but too much of anything burns you out. I fitness, eat better, and socialize on and off line to the best of my ability. I think we can do better but I don't think trucking will ever actually become manageable.

What do ya'll think?

PackRat's Comment
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I see loneliness out here, but I haven't felt any depression.

Get a dog, get a cat, get a good book. Go on YouTube and type in whatever comes to mind, then click on successive videos. Get a gaming system. Get SiriusXM or a TV satellite dish installed. Do 34 Hour Resets in interesting places around the country. Enroll in online college courses. Start or maintain a hobby on the truck. Go for walks on your breaks. Research things deeply online...How does this work, or how is that made?

There are way too many fantastic sights and opportunities out here around the greatest nation on Earth for me to be depressed.

Trucker Kearsey 's Comment
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Or get a wonderful friend like Pack Rat to laugh with while you are driving

I was depressed before I came into trucking. Now life is wonderful

PackRat's Comment
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Or get a wonderful friend like Pack Rat to laugh with while you are driving

Awww! You're gonna make me cry!

Steve L.'s Comment
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“ I think we can do better but I don't think trucking will ever actually become manageable.”

I apologize, but please explain this Statement.

Trucking is somewhat of a loner’s lifestyle. But imagine it before cell phones and Bluetooth. Depression, in my opinion, has more to do with a lack of satisfaction than what job you have.

I’m not discounting the importance of recognizing and dealing with depression, but I cherish my hometime much more now than before becoming a driver. I’m more thankful for the time I’ve gotten to spend with family and friends because I’m a driver and didn’t have to buy a plane ticket to visit. AND my relationship with The Lord is better than ever.

Look for whatever positive you can EVERY day. 😎

ID Mtn Gal's Comment
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Or get a wonderful friend like Pack Rat to laugh with while you are driving

I was depressed before I came into trucking. Now life is wonderful

I will second that. PackRat is a character and fun to talk with!


Life is too short to be depressed! When I drove from 88 to 93, there were no cell phones and running team it was hard to read while going down the road. Now, when guys are whining about having to sit waiting to get loaded or unloaded, I just laugh because I can call friends and family, use my phone to get online and stay in touch with friends that way, go to websites to research things that interest me, play games, listen to music, Etc.


Mikey B.'s Comment
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Or get a wonderful friend like Pack Rat to laugh with while you are driving

I was depressed before I came into trucking. Now life is wonderful

I have to agree, working at the Post Office was seriously depressing!! Hated it!! Any depression I had previously has been 100% cured by truck driving. I wish I'd found it decades ago. Sometimes driving down the road or laying in the bunk I'll just find myself smiling real big or laughing to myself do to the newfound happiness it has brought me. It started early, like weeks into trucking and has continued to this day.

Stevo Reno's Comment
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All I know is after 4 weeks out, I need a few days off & away from the truck lol

's Comment
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I see loneliness out here, but I haven't felt any depression.

Get a dog, get a cat, get a good book. Go on YouTube and type in whatever comes to mind, then click on successive videos. Get a gaming system. Get SiriusXM or a TV satellite dish installed. Do 34 Hour Resets in interesting places around the country. Enroll in online college courses. Start or maintain a hobby on the truck. Go for walks on your breaks. Research things deeply online...How does this work, or how is that made?

There are way too many fantastic sights and opportunities out here around the greatest nation on Earth for me to be depressed.

What a perfect answer Pack Rat! Great outlook on or off the road in life. Cheers

Anne A. (and sometimes To's Comment
member avatar


Or get a wonderful friend like Pack Rat to laugh with while you are driving

I was depressed before I came into trucking. Now life is wonderful


I will second that. PackRat is a character and fun to talk with!


Life is too short to be depressed! When I drove from 88 to 93, there were no cell phones and running team it was hard to read while going down the road. Now, when guys are whining about having to sit waiting to get loaded or unloaded, I just laugh because I can call friends and family, use my phone to get online and stay in touch with friends that way, go to websites to research things that interest me, play games, listen to music, Etc.


Anyone know WHERE Ms. Laura is, these days?!?!? Been awhile. BOLO, anyone?

Again, P'Buck . . great outlook.

*Just work on typing your reply AFTER the open/close brackets where it says span * * / blockquote ~!!* (If I type the actual greater/less than signs, it messes up the HTML.. don't ask 'how' I know, haha!)


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