Brett...I get that you spend ALOT of time on this site....but theres others that depend on you....
Have you hugged your chickens today ??
Sorry to hijack this thread, but I just got a kick out of Starcar's question because my youngest daughter runs around all the time with a T-shirt that has that same question printed across the front. We got it as a gift after I wrote an article for "Backyard Poultry" about my daughters tree house that I was building for her, but in the middle of the project she wanted to convert it to a chicken coop. We had a hen that would come running to me like a dog anytime she saw me, and another that would always jump up on my shoulder and nibble on my ear or my glasses every morning when I was feeding them. Most people can't even conceive how affectionate a chicken can be.
Most people can't even conceive how affectionate a chicken can be.
I like chicken....lemon pepper and salt and pepper mixed with flour.....nice result
Most people can't even conceive how affectionate a chicken can be.
I like chicken....lemon pepper and salt and pepper mixed with flour.....nice result
We have a trucker friend who was a real city kid...and when he stopped by our place on the way thru, he was taken over with the chickens, cuz you could pick em up and pet em....
His CB handle had been Hard Runner....but when we ran into him on the road, we always called him Chicken Petter.....
Of course being on the cb...everyone wanted to know how he got that handle....we let him explain....
This is the nickname people use on the CB
Starcar, when my two oldest daughters were going to college here in our town, we would always let their friends come over on Monday nights for dinner at our house. These were primarily "city kids" who probably had seldom enjoyed a beautiful sunrise, much less had any interaction with farm animals. It was always satisfyingly fun to watch them as they would so timidly hold or allow my proud and beautiful Old English Game Bantam rooster sit on their lap as we sat around a fire pit in the back of the house. We mad some great memories for us and them during those days.
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
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Heck yeah! And my big steers - they're super friendly!
Like most people that raise animals, they are always a top priority for me.
Within the next month I'll have 15 baby chickens, two baby pigs, and two baby calves comin my way. And a huge garden to get going on. Spring is crazy!