Veterans Day StopTheTires2020 Shutdown Protest Planned

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DaveW's Comment
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Today, November 11, Veterans Day, is the day that a trucker strike group has chosen for a trial run national shutdown called StopTheTires2020 in protest of presidential candidate Joe Biden's Green New Deal platform; which would eliminate fracking, thus raising fuel prices.

Veterans Day StopTheTires2020 shutdown protest planned


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Mikey B.'s Comment
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Biden of course being the ever pandering, flip flop candidate has said there was no way he would stop fracking, this being after Republicans questioned him about it. However, he was recorded on video previously saying all fracking will be stopped by him. I guess we all have to hang on and see how things go. Probably a lot of what president elect Harris says she want's wont be able to be done. You notice how I transitioned to Harris? Kind of like how Democrats will transition her to president within the first year when Biden has to step down because the puppet masters hand is tired of holding him up? Anyways, I wont be slow rolling or stopping my tires in 2020. Company drivers dont really have that option. What will happen is that sadly you will have a couple hundred, maybe thousand that will make a show of it and things will start back up, business as usual the next day.


Electric Auxiliary Power Units

Electric APUs have started gaining acceptance. These electric APUs use battery packs instead of the diesel engine on traditional APUs as a source of power. The APU's battery pack is charged when the truck is in motion. When the truck is idle, the stored energy in the battery pack is then used to power an air conditioner, heater, and other devices

Daniel 's Comment
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The President doesn't have the authority to end fracing on private land, any US president.

Mikey B.'s Comment
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The President doesn't have the authority to end fracing on private land, any US president.

With the rest of Congress behind him if there was an environmental or safety reason they could ban it on SOME private lands. At the very least they could stop fracking on public lands and regulate private lands to the point where it's not profitable. My parents have 50 acres in Arkansas on which the oil companies did exploration. They recieved a few checks in leasing the rights to their property to a company as did most of the land owners in the area. There was a town about 40 or 50 miles from them that was experiencing hundreds of small earthquakes in the area. It was decided they were due to the fracking on private lands. There was a lawsuit and it ended up with a ban on ALL fracking on public and private lands within a 100 mile radius of that town. Sadly my parents. Land fell within that radius.

Jammer a's Comment
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This is true!!! But they can hold all fracking permits as permits are secured thru the federal government just went thru that with ca pedo friendly governor Gavin newsom the took back all permits from the company we were drilling for and they’re a biggie to chevron !

The President doesn't have the authority to end fracing on private land, any US president.

Jammer a's Comment
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That’s to bad !!!


The President doesn't have the authority to end fracing on private land, any US president.


With the rest of Congress behind him if there was an environmental or safety reason they could ban it on SOME private lands. At the very least they could stop fracking on public lands and regulate private lands to the point where it's not profitable. My parents have 50 acres in Arkansas on which the oil companies did exploration. They recieved a few checks in leasing the rights to their property to a company as did most of the land owners in the area. There was a town about 40 or 50 miles from them that was experiencing hundreds of small earthquakes in the area. It was decided they were due to the fracking on private lands. There was a lawsuit and it ended up with a ban on ALL fracking on public and private lands within a 100 mile radius of that town. Sadly my parents. Land fell within that radius.

Sid V.'s Comment
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Lol. Why do truckers care about the price of fuel. It's called fuel surcharge. Truckers don't pay for fuel, shippers do.

Price of fuel goes up, fsc goes up, rates go up, cost of business goes up and it all ends up at price of the goods or service.


The customer who is shipping the freight. This is where the driver will pick up a load and then deliver it to the receiver or consignee.

Mikey B.'s Comment
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Lol. Why do truckers care about the price of fuel. It's called fuel surcharge. Truckers don't pay for fuel, shippers do.

Price of fuel goes up, fsc goes up, rates go up, cost of business goes up and it all ends up at price of the goods or service.

Lol, if you think the fuel surcharge is gonna match the price hikes when fuel prices climb sky high you're kidding yourself. Maybe someone more experienced can chime in but the way I understand it is fuel surcharge generally only covers a percentage of the actual fuel costs anyways which is why O/Os search for the cheaper fuel.


The customer who is shipping the freight. This is where the driver will pick up a load and then deliver it to the receiver or consignee.

Trucker Kearsey 's Comment
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Lol. Why do truckers care about the price of fuel. It's called fuel surcharge. Truckers don't pay for fuel, shippers do.

Price of fuel goes up, fsc goes up, rates go up, cost of business goes up and it all ends up at price of the goods or service.

Being a company driver I never was concerned about fuel surcharges. But I have heard a lot of talk about the companies not setting the same price as the national average. Apparently not all companies give the same surcharge rates

Is this true?


The customer who is shipping the freight. This is where the driver will pick up a load and then deliver it to the receiver or consignee.

Daniel 's Comment
member avatar


The President doesn't have the authority to end fracing on private land, any US president.


With the rest of Congress behind him if there was an environmental or safety reason they could ban it on SOME private lands. At the very least they could stop fracking on public lands and regulate private lands to the point where it's not profitable. My parents have 50 acres in Arkansas on which the oil companies did exploration. They recieved a few checks in leasing the rights to their property to a company as did most of the land owners in the area. There was a town about 40 or 50 miles from them that was experiencing hundreds of small earthquakes in the area. It was decided they were due to the fracking on private lands. There was a lawsuit and it ended up with a ban on ALL fracking on public and private lands within a 100 mile radius of that town. Sadly my parents. Land fell within that radius.

Was it the Federal government or the state of Arkansas that did that?

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