Why Does It Not Look Like Mega Carriers Are Only 14% Of The Trucking Industry?

Topic 29145 | Page 1

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Tobias G.'s Comment
member avatar

As title says.. I'm about a year in to OTR and I don't seen many independents outside of small specialties like low boy and hopper and logging


Over The Road

OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.

Anne A. (and sometimes To's Comment
member avatar

As title says.. I'm about a year in to OTR and I don't seen many independents outside of small specialties like low boy and hopper and logging

Where do you live? What region(s) do you drive ?!?!?

My husband drives for a small(ish) company that runs Ohio, PA, Wisconsin, and .. some NY state. About 400 power units. He's intrastate Ohio, and fairs quite well. These places exist . . . just not always easy to get into; same with LTL. He did MANY years OTR before landing this treat of a gig.

More info can help us, help you!! If you are looking for something dedicated/local/regional . . perhaps you could find it WITHIN your company?

We can help you .. to a degree; with a bit more info.

Welcome to Trucking Truth, Tobias ~!!

~ Anne ~


Regional Route

Usually refers to a driver hauling freight within one particular region of the country. You might be in the "Southeast Regional Division" or "Midwest Regional". Regional route drivers often get home on the weekends which is one of the main appeals for this type of route.


Less Than Truckload

Refers to carriers that make a lot of smaller pickups and deliveries for multiple customers as opposed to hauling one big load of freight for one customer. This type of hauling is normally done by companies with terminals scattered throughout the country where freight is sorted before being moved on to its destination.

LTL carriers include:

  • FedEx Freight
  • Con-way
  • YRC Freight
  • UPS
  • Old Dominion
  • Estes
  • Yellow-Roadway
  • ABF Freight
  • R+L Carrier


Over The Road

OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.


The act of purchasers and sellers transacting business while keeping all transactions in a single state, without crossing state lines to do so.

PackRat's Comment
member avatar

Okay. Here's a game I play driving to pass the time. Look at the truck doors or trailers of the next 20 trucks that pass you. Normally, only about six to eight will be "name brand" carriers, while the rest are going to be companies you've never heard of. Walk around the rows of parked rigs at the truck stop after midnight. You'll get the same results.

Deleted Account's Comment
member avatar

I agree with Packrat, the majority of trucks I see are independents. It could very well be something similiar to how people say I never realized there were so many red mustang's on the road until you buy one. You may be seeing more megas (especially your company) because you're paying more attention to them.

Jrod's Comment
member avatar

Quoted for Truth!~

People say "I never realized there were so many red mustang's on the road until (I) bought one."

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