Dave, I always read you news stories with interest, but this is the first one I remember that seemed like a Saturday Night Live skit. it's so bizarre that it's comical. Thanks for the entertaining story that keeps spiraling out of control. I've never seen anything like it before.
Uhhhh! I see that I don’t see I think!!! Uh kids don’t do drugs!
Dave, I always read you news stories with interest, but this is the first one I remember that seemed like a Saturday Night Live skit. it's so bizarre that it's comical. Thanks for the entertaining story that keeps spiraling out of control. I've never seen anything like it before.
And we wonder why the courts have back logs and attorneys cost so much. This guy had serious mental issues.
He will claim his lack of judgement is part of long term results of the injuries and take it to supreme court.
He who represents himself has a fool for a client...lol.
Wise words!!!
He who represents himself has a fool for a client...lol.
This man must enjoy the court system. Seems as if he filed a suit that he did not need to pursuit from the beginning, gained a judgement he later surrendered, then he owed the defendant even though the company was neglect.. Makes you wonder 🤔🤔
As with many court cases, there's more to the story that explains the outcome and also pretty much makes a case for malpractice.
He had a case because the trucking company admitted liability. But the plaintiff did not ask for punitive damages, medical costs, lost wages, or pain and suffering. The only issue was compensation for the injuries caused by the accident, which requires a medical expert. The only expert in the case was the trucking companies expert, who testified that the plaintiff's whiplash would have been caused by the accident. But the plaintiff's attorney made statements in closing arguments about deterring conduct, which relates to punitive damages. But again, plaintiff did not ask for punitive damages. The $1 million dollar verdict would have only related to punitive damages, which were not sought, because the plaintiff didn't present any evidence of for his injuries or the amount of compensation for those injuries.
There is NO chance the Supreme Court would take up this case. They take very few cases.
"snatching defeat from the jaws of victory".
Some people just can't quit while they're ahead...
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This is a truck vs. car accident case that lasted for years in the courts that defies understanding, much less the ability to explain, but we'll do our best because the bizarre nature of the story is worth it.
2020 closes with probably one of the most bizarre truck crash lawsuits ever