Stay off you tube Georgia mike
I routinely post, "Don't make the news!"
Thanks everyone. Very thoughtful Anne.
I cannot however take credit for watch your wagon. I just coined it per day, because it is incredibly true. We drive the trailer...
Almost all of the accidents I’ve seen and reviewed in close quarters and around the Walmarts is because the driver lost sight of the trailer.
If you can’t see it, you likely don’t know how close it is to an obstacle.
PackRat wrote:
I'm fortunate to remember which state I'm in before I hit the rack many days.
Remembering these quotes isn't easy for me.
Or what day it is...
Stay off you tube Georgia mike
I routinely post, "Don't make the news!"
Good one, Jammer ~!! That gives me an idea.. you'll see!!
Thanks everyone. Very thoughtful Anne.
I cannot however take credit for watch your wagon. I just coined it per day, because it is incredibly true. We drive the trailer...
Almost all of the accidents I’ve seen and reviewed in close quarters and around the Walmarts is because the driver lost sight of the trailer.
If you can’t see it, you likely don’t know how close it is to an obstacle.
You're welcome, G Town~! You've been missed in frequency here in these parts; found a way to getcha back in here, haha!! You have some impeccable wisdom we love you to share! You'll ALWAYS be quoted with the 'WATCH YOUR WAGON' ... that's SO true!
(And you called it RIGHT, on PackRat, haha!!)
Anyone get the LAST one I posted, though ?!?!?
Thanks Anne... so nice of you to say that.
Confession... a lot of my free time now is consumed by playing my guitar. I got back into it over a year ago now. And forgot how much I enjoyed it.
I’ll try not to be a stranger. Thanks again!
Thanks Anne... so nice of you to say that.
Confession... a lot of my free time now is consumed by playing my guitar. I got back into it over a year ago now. And forgot how much I enjoyed it.
I’ll try not to be a stranger. Thanks again!
You're most welcome, G'Town! Each of y'all moderators (especially y'all OG's) have your own style in this forum, and YOURS is greatly missed. I'm glad to hear you are overcoming events and doing something POSITIVE.
I only WISH I could get my ole' guy to strum HIS guitar from time to time; he used to play, also.
Maybe when he gets a 'full' weekend off, in the near future, and NFL wrapping up (that's on me) we will get back to playing. He strums, and I follow (or try to) with harmonica. I can't sing (I'm tone deaf) IYRC, but I sure can hummmmonica! LoL!! (Kiddo plays drums, as he 'feels' like it.. nonsweet 16, haha!)
Thanks again, y'all.
New one . . .
WHO said THIS ?!?!?
" empathize, encourage, and inspire"
~ Anne ~
Okay, I felt left out on that last one. I knew it wouldn't be fair for me to give the answer.
Since it's not fair for Kearsey to give the answer on this one, I'll say it must be attributed to her!
In a phone call with the boss, she set a whole new tone and tag line to our forum! She's awesome!
Okay, I felt left out on that last one. I knew it wouldn't be fair for me to give the answer.
Since it's not fair for Kearsey to give the answer on this one, I'll say it must be attributed to her!
In a phone call with the boss, she set a whole new tone and tag line to our forum! She's awesome!
Please, don't EVER feel left out!! You can play the game, as soon as you know the answer, haha!!
Here's another one:
Success is not defined by your title. It is more often defined by your drive, your initiative, and your understanding of how to put yourself where you want to be.
(partially edited for concision.)
Hugs, love, safety, and happiness, to ALL~!!
~ Anne ~
ps: Doing this is actually FOR me . . . I'm keeping all these posts and quotes, with their attributes . . . in a 'logbook' of my own, right here!!
A written or electronic record of a driver's duty status which must be maintained at all times. The driver records the amount of time spent driving, on-duty not driving, in the sleeper berth, or off duty. The enforcement of the Hours Of Service Rules (HOS) are based upon the entries put in a driver's logbook.
Okay, y'all .. it's the VAMPIRE here, Tom just finished supper. . . HE'S my 'night angel,' to be concise, haha!
We have so many amazing drivers that frequent this website. It's a real joy to get to see everyone succeed at such a high level.
Go . . >>>>>> NAME. THAT. TUNE! ;)
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I'm fortunate to remember which state I'm in before I hit the rack many days.
Remembering these quotes isn't easy for me.