Here's a GREAT one:
“A little learning is a dangerous thing. Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian Spring."
Fun little trivia nugget:
“We only have to be lucky once. You have to be lucky every time” a quote famously attributed to .....
the IRA, in a threat to blow up Margaret Thatcher.
It has since hilariously worked its way into popular culture as a motivational quote. Ironic.
Fun little trivia nugget:
“We only have to be lucky once. You have to be lucky every time” a quote famously attributed to .....
the IRA, in a threat to blow up Margaret Thatcher.
It has since hilariously worked its way into popular culture as a motivational quote. Ironic.
Makes sense, THAT'S for sure~!!!! Love it, Eugene~!!!
My above quote is from a famous poet/laureate .. if anyone recognizes it. It mirrors something that Old School and G'town would say, tbh!
This NEXXT one is from a fellow LTL driver . . . and if he reads this thread, may recognize what he has penned.
Also, with company sponsored training there is a job at the end of the tunnel.
And this, from a recruiter extraordinaire, that most of usn's aren't qualified to drive for, but still shows up to help. (Love this guy.)
Best advice for those worried about pay: Have hours available to drive.
Good day to all; Hubby's home and it's my bedtime, finally! (<<< As Rob T. wakes up for work....LoL!)
~ anne ~
Refers to carriers that make a lot of smaller pickups and deliveries for multiple customers as opposed to hauling one big load of freight for one customer. This type of hauling is normally done by companies with terminals scattered throughout the country where freight is sorted before being moved on to its destination.
LTL carriers include:
A Company-Sponsored Training Program is a school that is owned and operated by a trucking company.
The schooling often requires little or no money up front. Instead of paying up-front tuition you will sign an agreement to work for the company for a specified amount of time after graduation, usually around a year, at a slightly lower rate of pay in order to pay for the training.
If you choose to quit working for the company before your year is up, they will normally require you to pay back a prorated amount of money for the schooling. The amount you pay back will be comparable to what you would have paid if you went to an independently owned school.
Company-sponsored training can be an excellent way to get your career underway if you can't afford the tuition up front for private schooling.
Last one for awhile; nobody wants to PLAY anymore.
YES I mean you, Old School ... and PackRat ... and Jammer ... and dang, everyone! PJ & Big Scott .. input~!
"It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great."
This is actually a 'QUOTE of a QUOTE.' ... (The original was coined in a movie; I'll take that, even!)
Hugs guys & gals..
Hubby's home~
Good Morning to ya Anne! Okay, I'll play...
That was Brett quoting Tom Hanks. The quote originates from the movie "A League of Their Own."
Enjoy your new get Ann just stopped for a break I’m in Louisiana 1t time and I’m meeting up with my baby brother haven’t seen him in a bit so I’m super stoked y’all be safe and I’ll be back lol like the terminator
Last one for awhile; nobody wants to PLAY anymore.
YES I mean you, Old School ... and PackRat ... and Jammer ... and dang, everyone! PJ & Big Scott .. input~!
"It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great."
This is actually a 'QUOTE of a QUOTE.' ... (The original was coined in a movie; I'll take that, even!)
Hugs guys & gals..
Hubby's home~
Good Morning to ya Anne! Okay, I'll play...
That was Brett quoting Tom Hanks. The quote originates from the movie "A League of Their Own."
And....again, O/S for the WIN !!!!
I'm actually flummoxed that you got that ~!!!!
You are AMAZING, GOOD SIR!!! (The 2 prior were Banks and JRod.)
Jammer, have your self a great time with your broskey; we'll be waiting~!!!
~ Anne ~
Here's a GREAT one:
“A little learning is a dangerous thing. Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian Spring."
Fun little trivia nugget:
“We only have to be lucky once. You have to be lucky every time” a quote famously attributed to .....
the IRA, in a threat to blow up Margaret Thatcher.
It has since hilariously worked its way into popular culture as a motivational quote. Ironic.
Eugene.. knowing that ... how did you not know Alexander Pope ?!? That's one of my LIFE quotes; as are many by Oscar Wilde, ie: "Be yourself, everybody else is already taken." LoL.. how true!
Okay, one more.. and yes y'all's. Quotes OF Quotes. I like exercising the good ole' memoirs of the mind, haha!
Is it Pain, or is it Pleasure? Is it Work, or is it just Weariness? Is it a Living, or something more akin to a Lifestyle?
NO HOLDS BARRED.. pen the author, the poet; matters not. I'm not a 'laureate' but I SURE DO love a good 'coin' when I get it~!!
~ Anne ~ the lights go off at my home.. t/Gawd! <<< The perils of a night driver's wife, haha!
Operating While Intoxicated
I have my hand up high Anne! Am I allowed to play?
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