I grew up on highway 9 not far from I70 and this ramp. In high school I use to make real good $ unloading trucks that went up the ramps and turned over. Some didn't even try to make the ramps they would just use the side of the hill and lay it over to stop.
Wow! I'm amazed at how high up that runaway ramp he went. He must have really needed to use it.
This time of year that ramp is as hard as the blacktop. The snow has melted and frozen that gravel into a solid mass.
Wow! I'm amazed at how high up that runaway ramp he went. He must have really needed to use it.
That makes sense Jeff. I can tell from his tracks that he wasn't really plowing gravel. That's a rough way to stop.
Operating While Intoxicated
That picture just reminds me of the time I had a conversation with a little boy over the C.B. radio one day. I'm going to provide you guys a link to it at the end. We talked a little while, and at the end of the conversation his dad wanted to know if I had ever had to take one of those runaway truck ramps. Fortunately I could say no!
A Fun Little Chat On The C.B. Radio
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