First Year In The Bag

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Scratch2win's Comment
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Started with CRST expedited 10/8/19 got promoted to pegasus pharmaceutical division after 3 months. It's been great first year truthfully. Seen all lower 48 riots, tornadoes, forest fires, blizzards and floods. Over 100k safe miles no hos violations 5 clean dot drug and alcohol test. 98% pick up and deliver on time for the year. So it's been a pretty successful rookie season imo. Finished up 57k managed to stack 24k bought myself a really nice pup that is showing to be something special and bought my girl a brand new 2021 Volkswagen golf gti I'm suprising her with next week for putting up with me and hanging in there while I'm out here grinding. I feel very fortunate and proof that hard work pays off. CRST has been great to work for however my goal was to get experience and try to get into GP transco where I applied to and got a job offer to start in February. So to all rookie drivers be smart pay attention to what is going on, set goals and see them through !


Department Of Transportation

A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.

State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.


Operating While Intoxicated

PJ's Comment
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Daniel 's Comment
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Congrats! I'm right with you time wise. I went solo 9-27-19. I'm currently over 160,000 safe miles with no hos violations and been lucky enough to have been on time 100% for DLDVs and only been late for three backhauls but only because of holdups at deliveries.

Anyhow good luck with your new ride!


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Old School's Comment
member avatar

That's awesome Scratch 2 Win! You did great brother! Those are really good numbers for a rookie - I'm proud of you!

dancing-banana.gif dancing-banana.gif dancing-banana.gif dancing-banana.gif dancing-banana.gif dancing-banana.gif


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
PackRat's Comment
member avatar

Very impressive stats on your one year at CRST!

dancing-banana.gif dancing-banana.gif dancing-banana.gif dancing-banana.gif dancing-banana.gif

Scratch2win's Comment
member avatar

It's all about p.m.a positive mental attitude Thanks fellas.

Bobcat_Bob's Comment
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Don't let your guard down now, the 2nd year is the most dangerous. People survive their first year, get complacent in their 2nd and tear stuff up.

G-Town's Comment
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dancing-banana.gif dancing-banana.gif dancing-banana.gif

Jammer a's Comment
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Congratulations man good workdancing-dog.gif dancing.gif dancing.gif dancing-banana.gif dancing-banana.gif

Started with CRST expedited 10/8/19 got promoted to pegasus pharmaceutical division after 3 months. It's been great first year truthfully. Seen all lower 48 riots, tornadoes, forest fires, blizzards and floods. Over 100k safe miles no hos violations 5 clean dot drug and alcohol test. 98% pick up and deliver on time for the year. So it's been a pretty successful rookie season imo. Finished up 57k managed to stack 24k bought myself a really nice pup that is showing to be something special and bought my girl a brand new 2021 Volkswagen golf gti I'm suprising her with next week for putting up with me and hanging in there while I'm out here grinding. I feel very fortunate and proof that hard work pays off. CRST has been great to work for however my goal was to get experience and try to get into GP transco where I applied to and got a job offer to start in February. So to all rookie drivers be smart pay attention to what is going on, set goals and see them through !


Department Of Transportation

A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.

State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.


Operating While Intoxicated

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