1. Sorry for your losses.
2. You've been through A LOT! Do you have someone to talk to? It might be a good time to reach out to a professional for some perspective.
3. It sounds like Schneider preferred throwing you under the bus than dealing with their insurance broker. A load shifted on a sealed trailer and you were supposed to have inspected it before it was sealed to know it was a problem? Did I read that right? I admire your willingness to take full responsibility for your accident though I don't agree that you're 100% responsible. We are responsible for inspecting our loads to ensure proper load securement BUT when a shipper seals a container they remove most of the driver's responsibility and assume the liability.
4. Career ending? Do you know how many drivers roll their trucks going too fast on off-ramps every year who are still driving? A LOT! Drivers who destroy trucks with borderline reckless driving get second chances all the time. You shouldn't have any problems finding a driving job at a second chance company.
The customer who is shipping the freight. This is where the driver will pick up a load and then deliver it to the receiver or consignee.
Operating While Intoxicated
Hi Dave. Sorry for what you're going through. That is sure a lot to handle.
As far as your load, there should be some responsibility put on the shipper to load the freight correctly in a safe manor. I had a similar load of drums off liquid where they had to put it down the center to spread the weight out and they had me strap every drum individually as they loaded it. It took 6 straps and even then they moved quite a bit.
As far as a career in trucking it's still possible, but it won't be easy. I jackknifed a company truck and totaled it, then went out and bought my own truck and after 3 years of keeping my nose clean, my insurance is at a level as if I didn't have a wreck.
Good luck with your plans for the future.
The customer who is shipping the freight. This is where the driver will pick up a load and then deliver it to the receiver or consignee.
Vicki, Old School, Rob, Anne, Steve, & Pete (and anyone else who read and thought kind thoughts and/or learned something of use):
Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. I appreciate it.
Please be safe out there.
Apply elsewhere. You never know. We had a guy flip a set a few years ago. He stuck it out, worked the dock for a few years and it looks like they'll bring him back.
When you're read to drive again, maybe not right now, but that day is coming:
Hi Dave I guarantee you’ll be able to get a job driving gravel trains in southern Michigan, You’re in a great area and should make pretty good money doing that. We don’t really get started until spring though, I can send you some contacts for good companies to work for if you’re interested.
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. Sorry .. i dig deep.. it's dietary. You do Keto's and I do Cheetos. I only WISH I could be as healthy. Still think the world of ya. I try.