Schneider Offer

Topic 29738 | Page 4

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William L.'s Comment
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I drove OTR for Schneider my first two years. Not dedicated, but did run brief (1 week at a time) dedicated routes out of Ohio and Virginia.

Was that A double drop and hook route. The reason I ask is that I am considering starting truck driving and have been talking with a Schneider recruiter. This sounds like the route i am to be put on if I accept and I pass CDL school. One thing I am unclear of that the recruiter can’t clear up is the .45 cents a mile. Is that for all driving or just loaded are there circumstances that will reduce that amount when actually driving. Thanks in advance for any help or advice


Commercial Driver's License (CDL)

A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:

  • Any combination of vehicles with a gross combined weight rating (GCWR) of 26,001 or more pounds, providing the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of the vehicle being towed is in excess of 10,000 pounds.
  • Any single vehicle with a GVWR of 26,001 or more pounds, or any such vehicle towing another not in excess of 10,000 pounds.
  • Any vehicle, regardless of size, designed to transport 16 or more persons, including the driver.
  • Any vehicle required by federal regulations to be placarded while transporting hazardous materials.

Dedicated Route:

A driver or carrier who transports cargo between regular, prescribed routes. Normally it means a driver will be dedicated to working for one particular customer like Walmart or Home Depot and they will only haul freight for that customer. You'll often hear drivers say something like, "I'm on the Walmart dedicated account."


Over The Road

OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.

Drop And Hook:

Drop and hook means the driver will drop one trailer and hook to another one.

In order to speed up the pickup and delivery process a driver may be instructed to drop their empty trailer and hook to one that is already loaded, or drop their loaded trailer and hook to one that is already empty. That way the driver will not have to wait for a trailer to be loaded or unloaded.

William L.'s Comment
member avatar

I drove OTR for Schneider my first two years. Not dedicated, but did run brief (1 week at a time) dedicated routes out of Ohio and Virginia.

What I did like about dedicated was that the loads were ready when promised and it seemed very consistent.

As an OTR Driver, if I was getting home for two days on Saturday, my two days off were Sunday and Monday, back out Tuesday. My understanding on Regional and dedicated is that you gotta be back out Monday, even if you barely get a reset (34 hour) in. Nothing wrong with that, just be sure you know.

Everything Schneider Recruiting promised me was true.


That last comment was ment for Steve L

Dedicated Route:

A driver or carrier who transports cargo between regular, prescribed routes. Normally it means a driver will be dedicated to working for one particular customer like Walmart or Home Depot and they will only haul freight for that customer. You'll often hear drivers say something like, "I'm on the Walmart dedicated account."


Regional Route

Usually refers to a driver hauling freight within one particular region of the country. You might be in the "Southeast Regional Division" or "Midwest Regional". Regional route drivers often get home on the weekends which is one of the main appeals for this type of route.


Over The Road

OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.

William L.'s Comment
member avatar

Or anyone who could enlighten me about this. The recruiter says that as far as she can tell it’s .45 cents a mile for all driving but I have read drivers comments about dead heading or pulling empty? and that affected their mileage pay

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