Well, it didn’t go well. Failed for the third time. Really took the wind out of my sales. Pretrip, air brake, straight back, offset and parallel parking all went great. No problem. But when I was pulling out onto the road for the last part of the test, my trailer hit the gate/fence and put a scratch on the side of the trailer. No damage to fence though. I just didn’t go wide enough. So, instant fail. I‘lol be speaking with the school director on Monday to see if they will let me test one more time if I cover the fee. But it’s my understanding they have a policy of termination if you hit anything. But I have to try. I’ve put so much time and energy into this endeavor to just give up. And the instructor I had says I do really well. I just get so nervous during the exam. The testers are kind of gruff. Anyway, if the school says no, I understand I can rent a truck at the dmv to take the test in. Thanks Larry
Good luck tomorrow.
The state agency that handles everything related to your driver's licences, including testing, issuance, transfers, and revocation.
Well, it didn’t go well. Failed for the third time. Really took the wind out of my sales. Pretrip, air brake, straight back, offset and parallel parking all went great. No problem. But when I was pulling out onto the road for the last part of the test, my trailer hit the gate/fence and put a scratch on the side of the trailer. No damage to fence though. I just didn’t go wide enough. So, instant fail. I‘lol be speaking with the school director on Monday to see if they will let me test one more time if I cover the fee. But it’s my understanding they have a policy of termination if you hit anything. But I have to try. I’ve put so much time and energy into this endeavor to just give up. And the instructor I had says I do really well. I just get so nervous during the exam. The testers are kind of gruff. Anyway, if the school says no, I understand I can rent a truck at the dmv to take the test in. Thanks Larry
Good luck tomorrow.
Well, dang.
Hoping you can still make the best of this, Larry. Sheesh. You aren't the 1st that's had this outcome, trust me. No names, tho! Persevere...somehow!
Happy Easter/Passover, etc.. and wishing you luck, next time, man. Decompress.
~ Anne ~
The state agency that handles everything related to your driver's licences, including testing, issuance, transfers, and revocation.
Well, it didn’t go well. Failed for the third time. Really took the wind out of my sales. Pretrip, air brake, straight back, offset and parallel parking all went great. No problem. But when I was pulling out onto the road for the last part of the test, my trailer hit the gate/fence and put a scratch on the side of the trailer. No damage to fence though. I just didn’t go wide enough. So, instant fail. I‘lol be speaking with the school director on Monday to see if they will let me test one more time if I cover the fee. But it’s my understanding they have a policy of termination if you hit anything. But I have to try. I’ve put so much time and energy into this endeavor to just give up. And the instructor I had says I do really well. I just get so nervous during the exam. The testers are kind of gruff. Anyway, if the school says no, I understand I can rent a truck at the dmv to take the test in. Thanks Larry
Good luck tomorrow.
Sorry to hear, Larry. I supervise a small department of people who have to get their class B CDL (which I know isn't the same thing as what you're doing) for work, so I know how frustrating it can be to fail a couple of times. Hang in there, and keep figuring out a way to work it! I'm reading your story with interest, as I ponder upgrading to a class A myself...
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
The state agency that handles everything related to your driver's licences, including testing, issuance, transfers, and revocation.
I did it!!! Oh thank God! But I ended up having to rent a truck to take the test in. The truck was an 8 speed manual and I was trained in a 10 speed. But that wasn’t as big of a deal as I thought it would be. Bigger issue was my reference points on the trailer for offset and parallel parking. But I managed to get it in the box, just barely with the parallel but it was in there. Lol! Thanks to all who left messages of encouragement. I’m scheduled to start orientation with KLLM on Monday. So stoked! Thanks Larry
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Good luck tomorrow.