We are going to be getting new forward facing cameras soon which I'm ok with, these ones are starting to cross a line.
Plus, I wish they would just be honest they want them to make sure their drivers are not slacking off. Sure safety is probably a large concern but they shouldn't act like it's the only one.
They need to focus on how their Semi contractors drive, those guys drive like their pants are on fire. However with their tight delivery windows and ridiculously low rate they are willing to pay doesn't attract the best of the best.
Bobcat tells it like it is...
We are going to be getting new forward facing cameras soon which I'm ok with, these ones are starting to cross a line.
Plus, I wish they would just be honest they want them to make sure their drivers are not slacking off. Sure safety is probably a large concern but they shouldn't act like it's the only one.
They need to focus on how their Semi contractors drive, those guys drive like their pants are on fire. However with their tight delivery windows and ridiculously low rate they are willing to pay doesn't attract the best of the best.
Could not agree more. #1 on my list of chronically unsafe driving.
Some of them are borderline demonic; speeding, tailgating everything, weaving in and it if traffic... sloppy lane control with one hand on their cell phone.
Bobcat tells it like it is...
We are going to be getting new forward facing cameras soon which I'm ok with, these ones are starting to cross a line.
Plus, I wish they would just be honest they want them to make sure their drivers are not slacking off. Sure safety is probably a large concern but they shouldn't act like it's the only one.
They need to focus on how their Semi contractors drive, those guys drive like their pants are on fire. However with their tight delivery windows and ridiculously low rate they are willing to pay doesn't attract the best of the best.
Could not agree more. #1 on my list of chronically unsafe driving.
Some of them are borderline demonic; speeding, tailgating everything, weaving in and it if traffic... sloppy lane control with one hand on their cell phone.
G'Town, as always . . . SPOT ON !!!!
Cameras are everywhere, and are admissable in a court of law, these days!
I can't remember which company my other half drove for that had driver facing cameras, and neither can he; I just asked him, as I send him off to work... What's that tell you?!? It really was a 'non issue' and isn't (wasn't!) a game changer. That's hilarious, we don't even know! In 20 years and 8 (approx.) companies, we have no recollection, hahahaha!
Forward facing cameras (dash cams) are a MUST, imho. I could post SO many articles, whereas the LEO's are actually taking NOTICE that the T/T's are NOT at as much 'fault' in collisions with P/V's as they used to think. We provide our own dashcam, the company does not.
On the flip of the camera:
Best to y'all, stay safe! (Whether someone is 'watching' or not!)
~ Anne ~
ps: Bobcat Bob ... when my O/H drove for FX/LH (for a contractor) .... it was like a 'free for all' (or was supposed to be.) That lasted one year, he was under contract. Lucky he made it unscathed, tbh.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
Bobcat Bob ... when my O/H drove for FX/LH (for a contractor) .... it was like a 'free for all' (or was supposed to be.) That lasted one year, he was under contract. Lucky he made it unscathed, tbh.
They are probably 2nd worst after Amazon, they fly by me with their set swinging in the breeze and not a care in the world.
Bobcat Bob ... when my O/H drove for FX/LH (for a contractor) .... it was like a 'free for all' (or was supposed to be.) That lasted one year, he was under contract. Lucky he made it unscathed, tbh.
They are probably 2nd worst after Amazon, they fly by me with their set swinging in the breeze and not a care in the world.
Yeppers; ergo his departure. Plus the teaming aspect. All on PAPER, then, too. They WERE #1 when he was there; Amazon didn't exist yet, gladly!
(Maybe THAT'S why Estes never WOULD hire him ?!?!?)
Amazon will hire any driver with a pulse and a truck in my observations. I get nervous whenever I see one of their trailers approaching me, and I refuse to park beside them.
The crazy part about the whole camera thing is Amazon delivery van drivers don't even work directly for Amazon so it is most definitely an invasion of privacy and a control tactic
Amazon doesn't want to deal with all the hiring, maintenance, insurance, etc... of the van fleets so they contract the last mile work out to independent companies. They lease the Amazon vans to the contractors to avoid the headaches.
None of my paychecks came from Amazon while I was working there last Spring/Summer, all came from the logistics company that hired me.
A truck drivers DAC report will contain detailed information about their job history of the last 10 years as a CDL driver (as required by the DOT).
It may also contain your criminal history, drug test results, DOT infractions and accident history. The program is strictly voluntary from a company standpoint, but most of the medium-to-large carriers will participate.
Most trucking companies use DAC reports as part of their hiring and background check process. It is extremely important that drivers verify that the information contained in it is correct, and have it fixed if it's not.
Amazon will hire any driver with a pulse and a truck in my observations. I get nervous whenever I see one of their trailers approaching me, and I refuse to park beside them.
Absolutely. Sloppy truck drivers... are most of them.
Man, if Amazon EVER caves . . . .
(besides ME missing them.. WTH?!?!)
~ a ~
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Industry watchers are becoming increasingly concerned about the privacy invasive tactics being employed by Amazon against its delivery drivers, and worry that if it spreads throughout the trucking industry it could have an impact on driver retention.
Opponents voice concerns about Amazon's Driveri surveillance system1>