Are you an owner/operator?
You will learn in any business, that when companies give a short time to respond, you need to turn and run from them as fast as you can. If you are an Owner/Lease operator, take your time exploring different companies and get paperwork to further look over.
I am NEVER going to be an OO/LO as I make pretty close to those guys as a company driver. However, I have owned a couple businesses and those outfits troll to find customers like you. Don't jump into it today. Now that you know there are companies out there like that, do Google search and contact the company for info. It will save you some heartache at being taken advantage of.
I would think this is redundant as your trucks instrumentation gives you real time data. Owner/operator? Text alerts make the most sense to me as they will download quickest and with very weak signal whereas in a bad cell area emails may not arrive and calls may be difficult.
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I have recently been contacted by a company that told me they could give me proactive health data from their software that can help improve the life of my truck and give me simple explanations for what my truck needs at the time. So if my oil is low or over heating they can give me "simple" and "actionable insights" into how to fix this.. I am thinking of signing up for their services but can't decide which notification pathway I should sign up for. They gave me the option of text message, phone call, or email. Does anyone have any suggestions as to which one I should choose? Please respond quickly. They said the deal they offered me will end soon today.
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.