Questions About Schneider

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Justme's Comment
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Hi all, I have a couple questions about Schneider. Im considering applying to work there.

Im planning on living out of my truck while driving OTR. If I take home time at Schneider, will they let me drive the truck home? I want to save money by not having a rent payment for the year.

Also, does Schneider allow you to take your home time in different places each month? Say for example one month I want to visit my cousins in Louisiana, but the next month I want to go to Miami, or Vegas. Or go anywhere else. They wouldn't have a problem with that right?

Also, on a different topic. For their OTR positions, it says they go to all 48 states. Are there specific traveling lanes they usually use? Like will I usually be in the midwest only, for example, or could I expect to travel to all 48 states regularly?

Is it true that they don't allow drivers to drive at night?

Do drivers have to wear shoes at all times? I heard they will fire you if you don't wear shoes and a safety vest. Is that just at their terminals or at customers or what? And how would they even know that unless it's just at their terminals?

I understand they have outward facing cameras on their trucks. Are they monitored? Or are they just for collisions?



A facility where trucking companies operate out of, or their "home base" if you will. A lot of major companies have multiple terminals around the country which usually consist of the main office building, a drop lot for trailers, and sometimes a repair shop and wash facilities.


Over The Road

OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.

Old School's Comment
member avatar

Hello Justme, welcome to our forum!

will they let me drive the truck home?... Also, does Schneider allow you to take your home time in different places each month?

You can take your home time where and when you want. You will drive the truck to whatever location you have asked for that month's home time. You will need to communicate these issues with clarity to your dispatcher well ahead of the time you want it to take place.

For their OTR positions, it says they go to all 48 states. Are there specific traveling lanes they usually use? Like will I usually be in the midwest only, for example, or could I expect to travel to all 48 states regularly?

Basically you will go where the freight moves you. There will be times you may feel like you are stuck in the Northeast. Then all of a sudden they will send you to Oregon. Freight is a funny thing and it is really heavier in some parts of the country. You are not a paid tourist. You are their employee doing the things they need done. With the way you are wanting to do your home time, you may have some influence on how you are dispatched. If they know they are needing to get you to California for your scheduled home time they may have to start moving you that way a week or two ahead of schedule. The main thing you need to concentrate on is being a Top Tier Driver. If you want to be treated well out here and have the liberty to take home time wherever you want, you will need to prove you are worth handling in a special way. If you can pull that off, you will be much happier out here.

Is it true that they don't allow drivers to drive at night?

You gave me a chuckle with that question! I don't know where you are reading this stuff, but you would be smart to stop reading from that location. Schneider is going to expect you to get a lot of freight moved. If it needs to be moved at night, you will be driving at night.

Do drivers have to wear shoes at all times? I heard they will fire you if you don't wear shoes and a safety vest.

I'm assuming this came from the same place that told you they don't allow you to drive at night. These are funny and entertaining questions. You are going to live in that truck. If you're off duty and want to go barefoot, then do it. When you get out of the truck slip on some shoes and your vest. If they tell you they want you to wear shoes while driving, then do as they request. You will find out all the details of your job at orientation.

I understand they have outward facing cameras on their trucks. Are they monitored? Or are they just for collisions?

Think about that a minute. Schneider has a lot of trucks - they are big! Do you think they are going to waste money on thousands of people to sit around monitoring the cameras in their trucks? No Way. The cameras are only triggered by critical events. If you slam on your brakes real hard, that will trigger a camera event. A short video of that time slot will be downloaded to a third party monitoring company who will then decide if it is something that Schneider needs to review or not. They will either forward that brief video to Schneider's Safety department or will trash it as unnecessary. Drive safely and you will have no issues.

You might want to keep you boots on just in case they have a camera down their facing the pedals. smile.gif


Over The Road

OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.


Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager

The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.
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