Banks claims:
The crazy part is that the vaccine doesn't even work. At Obama's big birthday party, 60 people (that we know of) got COVID and 30 were fully vaccinated.
Note so fast, Mr Banks. Here's an article from yesterday's (Aug 13) Boston Herald:
The coronavirus is surging on Martha’s Vineyard like the heat — but it’s too early to tell if former President Barack Obama’s birthday bash last weekend is a driver.
“It’s too early to tell,” said Janet Hathaway, assistant to the health board.
Wait a bit before you say Obama's party was a Covid hotspot.
It's a coincidence that the largest surge of COVID in Martha's vineyard happened the weekend of Obama's birthday party. Don't buy it.
Still doesn't change that vaccinated people are still catching and spreading COVID and that the vaccine does nothing against strain variants.
Still doesn't change that vaccinated people are still catching and spreading COVID and that the vaccine does nothing against strain variants.
Information source? (In my post I quoted an expert and there's a link to the whole article.). I'm not doing this to be political. This forum is called Trucking Truth, and I'm interested in keeping both the trucking and the truth in it.
My best bud here has works for Canon Copiers, nearly 40 years. They now gave them "surveys" on the vaccines, he ignored the last 1, now was given a 2nd to fill out. Asking health questions etc. Basicly, it's coming to where they will require them to get jabbed, or not have jobs.
He goes into 4 major hospitals here in So Cal. Said they are NOT Busy, no flooded with people in the ER's or rooms filled. So where's this big surge?? lol And with Phizer wanting a booster shot now, and told NO so far It's ALL bout the MONEY, and control period !! "Herd Immunity"? I ain't no damn cow, being led to slaughter.
I ain't gettin' no shots UNTIL, I really have to, so I can leave here, and move to Asia. These past near 2 years driving all 48, haven't caught so much as a common cold, even in snowy spots....
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
Carnival Cruise staff and 1 passenger test positive, even though they were vaccinated.
Twenty-six of the positive cases are among Carnival crew members, with only one passenger testing positive. According to the tourism board, everyone who tested positive was vaccinated
Pfizer stock plummets as reports of ineffectiveness against new stains continue to come out.
On Wednesday, Pfizer and partner BioNTech, makers of the United States’ first Food and Drug Administration (FDA) emergency authorized COVID vaccine, saw their share prices plummet as discouraging new research from the Mayo Clinic forced investors to question how long the Pfizer vaccine remains effective at preventing coronavirus infections and protecting those who are vaccinated from getting sick with a Delta variant case.
Oxford vaccine group says
Herd immunity “is not a possibility” because the delta variant can spread among vaccinated individuals, according to experts including the director of the Oxford Vaccine Group.
Information source? (In my post I quoted an expert and there's a link to the whole article.). I'm not doing this to be political. This forum is called Trucking Truth, and I'm interested in keeping both the trucking and the truth in it.
I know what the site it called, Errol and I understand the premise. I'm not new here.
I saw your like and I read it. I clicked out when she said "it could've been the help". Yeah because God forbid the almighty elites get people sick. Imagine what it would do to their approval ratings.... Perish the thought
Continuing the quote from Oxford:
But we know very clearly with the coronavirus that the delta variant will still infect people who have been vaccinated, and that does mean that anyone who’s still unvaccinated, at some point, will meet the virus.”
This article also says "Herd immunity" is a mirage. Careful about cherry picking.
Now get back in the truck and hit the road.
Yeah, obviously lol. I thought that went without saying.
My point is that the vaccine doesn't stop you from getting or spreading it. What's the point of getting it?
Cherry picking? That's funny. You mean like you did from that nonsense Boston herald article where you conveniently left out the part blaming the staff.
I have a question.... Isn't the staff a part of the party? Wouldn't that make the party responsible?
I’m not sure how that would make sense that this vaccine wouldn’t make you contagious. It doesn’t kill the virus. It’s supposed to make the symptoms less severe right? So what would be the science behind someone getting the shot, getting the virus that has been said is highly contagious but than somehow not contagious? Honest question.
I’m not sure how that would make sense that this vaccine wouldn’t make you contagious. It doesn’t kill the virus. It’s supposed to make the symptoms less severe right? So what would be the science behind someone getting the shot, getting the virus that has been said is highly contagious but than somehow not contagious? Honest question.
As I understand things, the running premise is that getting the vaccine significantly reduces your chances of suffering long-term complications from the virus. Ideally it would stop transmission as well, but if you and everyone in your social circle is vaccinated, you're basically only susceptible to what's going to feel a bit like a cold or the flu.
At the end of the day, that's why high percentage rates of vaccination are really critical. You have a better chance of fighting off the virus as an individual, thus giving less room for the virus to mutate into variants.
There are going to be booster shots and new vaccines for Covid-19 forever now. It's in the general population, has been since probably March of last year. This is no longer a one-and-done sort of deal.
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
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I hate to get political. But if this was Trumps bday bash or just about any other Republicans birthday party they would get crucified over it. It would be a one hour special look on CNN. I frankly don’t care that he had a party but when everything were being told is keep wearing mask whether you got a shot or not and keep social distancing etc. And there they are having a party with hundreds of people. Obviously the pandemic is over with and has been.
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