Trucking Companies And COVID Vaccine

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Errol V.'s Comment
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I reread the Boston Herald article. (BTW, Googling results show the Herald is a conservative leaning paper, #3 in circulation there) Yup, cherry picking. In that whole article was only one mention that more fully reasoned:

[The Edgartown Board of Health spokesperson] said Friday if there is a cluster linked to last weekend’s 60th birthday bash on the Obamas’ nearly 30-acre Edgartown spread off Great Pond, it will probably be with the serving staff. And some of those workers usually cover multiple parties on the island.

So by reason of their job, they mix with many various groups.


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Errol V.'s Comment
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Bird-One's honest question:

I’m not sure how that would make sense that this vaccine wouldn’t make you contagious. It doesn’t kill the virus. It’s supposed to make the symptoms less severe right? So what would be the science behind someone getting the shot, getting the virus that has been said is highly contagious but than somehow not contagious? Honest question.

Any vaccine will not actually do anything to a virus. It's not like bug spray for ants. To your immune system, a vaccine looks like a particular virus but it's not dangerous itself. Your immune system then makes up those antibodies that do go after that virus (and actually the vaccine, too) and neutralize it.


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Andrey's Comment
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Your immune system then makes up those antibodies that do go after that virus (and actually the vaccine, too) and neutralize it.

With one addition: if you are lucky. In my own case, I tried a flu shot and two weeks later barely survived the most terrible flu in my life. Fought it for two months, lost 20% of hearing in one ear, and most importantly, made a decision about vaccination :-)


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Banks's Comment
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In my own case, I tried a flu shot and two weeks later barely survived the most terrible flu in my life. 


My point, again Errol is that the vaccine does not prevent a person from getting or spreading COVID.

Bird-One's Comment
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I’m not sure I agree with that. If you get a polio shot. That’s it. Done. No polio. Lifelong immunity. Has been a case of polio in the us in over 30 years. No booster needed. Sounds like that shot effectively kills it. Not the case with covid shot at all.

Bird-One's honest question:


I’m not sure how that would make sense that this vaccine wouldn’t make you contagious. It doesn’t kill the virus. It’s supposed to make the symptoms less severe right? So what would be the science behind someone getting the shot, getting the virus that has been said is highly contagious but than somehow not contagious? Honest question.


Any vaccine will not actually do anything to a virus. It's not like bug spray for ants. To your immune system, a vaccine looks like a particular virus but it's not dangerous itself. Your immune system then makes up those antibodies that do go after that virus (and actually the vaccine, too) and neutralize it.


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When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.

Errol V.'s Comment
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Freightliner ≠ Volvo

Polio ≠ COVID-19

The long version: Understanding How Vaccines Work (CDC article)

Oddball's Comment
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Yeah, obviously lol. I thought that went without saying.

My point is that the vaccine doesn't stop you from getting or spreading it. What's the point of getting it?

Cherry picking? That's funny. You mean like you did from that nonsense Boston herald article where you conveniently left out the part blaming the staff.

I have a question.... Isn't the staff a part of the party? Wouldn't that make the party responsible?

Let's see.... maybe a good reason to get vaccinated is so that you have less chance of DIEING of Covid or infecting your friends and family?

Oddball's Comment
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Most companies act like Covid doesn't exist. I protect myself and my friends and family. I doubt many trucking companies would ever require vaccinations unless some contracts they hold stipulate it.

Banks's Comment
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Let's see.... maybe a good reason to get vaccinated is so that you have less chance of DIEING of Covid or infecting your friends and family?

That's a blanket statement that you're not authorized to make. You don't know anything about my medical history, my families medical history or our beliefs.

Are you willing to take responsibility for the damages that may come from taking this vaccine? It's clear that the manufactures won't. They'll take all the profit and have no liabilities. That's a major red flag for me.

Trucker Kearsey 's Comment
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Primes owner and safety head has said repeatedly we will.not be required.... "that's not how we roll at prime. We encourage everyone to.get it. But it's their choice"

Love my boss

All they need do is put the BOL in the trailer or mailbox. Then we never meet the plant workers

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