Primes owner and safety head has said repeatedly we will.not be required.... "that's not how we roll at prime. We encourage everyone to.get it. But it's their choice"
Love my boss
All they need do is put the BOL in the trailer or mailbox. Then we never meet the plant workers
That's how it should be. Good for Prime.
As a healthy 31 year old with zero underlying health issues. I’m not going to DIE. I also take plenty of vitamins, especially vitamin D and zinc. I’ll be alright. So will my 33 yr old wife and two daughters. Should you get the shot Oddball? I don’t know. Like Banks alluded too. I have no idea your medical history refer to your doctor. I’ll refer to mine. And still waiting on the hard evidence that the vaccine will stop you from spreading it. I’m simply not seeing it.
Yeah, obviously lol. I thought that went without saying.
My point is that the vaccine doesn't stop you from getting or spreading it. What's the point of getting it?
Cherry picking? That's funny. You mean like you did from that nonsense Boston herald article where you conveniently left out the part blaming the staff.
I have a question.... Isn't the staff a part of the party? Wouldn't that make the party responsible?
Let's see.... maybe a good reason to get vaccinated is so that you have less chance of DIEING of Covid or infecting your friends and family?
Most companies act like Covid doesn't exist. I protect myself and my friends and family. I doubt many trucking companies would ever require vaccinations unless some contracts they hold stipulate it.
Exactly, there is another epidemic and cure for it according to data from the CDC. Gun violence, the predominant protection against it is responsibly armed citizens. I do my part to protect my friends and family. Many companies restrict our ability to protect ourselves and our families.
Perhaps we should make it mandatory too.
I live right near there and nothing in the local news. He should have never caved. Should have stuck with his 600 people
Banks claims:
The crazy part is that the vaccine doesn't even work. At Obama's big birthday party, 60 people (that we know of) got COVID and 30 were fully vaccinated.
Note so fast, Mr Banks. Here's an article from yesterday's (Aug 13) Boston Herald:
The coronavirus is surging on Martha’s Vineyard like the heat — but it’s too early to tell if former President Barack Obama’s birthday bash last weekend is a driver.
“It’s too early to tell,” said Janet Hathaway, assistant to the health board.
Wait a bit before you say Obama's party was a Covid hotspot.
It's sad how much misinformation is in this thread. The US is becoming a joke to world. Everyone magically became infectious diseases experts without any training. It's amazing how we defeated polio and other plagues in the past. At present I don't think we could do it again because ignorance is so popular right now.
Everyone magically became infectious diseases experts without any training
What choice did we have? Who are you going to trust right now? Big pharma? Big media? Politicians? Go ahead if you dare. I know history better than that.
It's amazing how we defeated polio and other plagues in the past
Or maybe we were the ones who created them in the first place? Maybe some of them never existed outside of well-executed marketing plans (The swine flu hoax, anyone?)
There is a long list of diseases we somehow just can't seem to cure, but the medical professional will keep us barely alive for a while if we'll just pay them all the money we have and then some to treat our symptoms the rest of our lives. Another long list of diseases has become very prevalent in recent years that never was before, like many autoimmune diseases. Autism has tripled in the past 20 years. Why? There are medical experts who know exactly why.
I don't believe ignorance is popular right now. I believe the problem we face is the same one we've faced throughout human history - 99.999% of the population must try to avoid getting chewed up and spit out by the .001% of the psychopaths who are trying to destroy humanity for their own gains. Many of the institutions in our society are corrupt beyond imagination.
Everyone is struggling right now to figure out what to believe and who to believe. To me, it's simple. You watch the censorship that is happening. It's a dead giveaway every time.
The truth doesn't need threats, tricksters, a marketing campaign, or constant maintenance to keep it alive, but lies do. Truth-tellers don't fear being questioned, but liars do. Truth-tellers have no need or desire to silence others, but liars do. Truth-tellers don't need to redefine concepts to make them fit their agenda, but liars do.
If someone will not allow so much as a discussion about an alternative viewpoint, then you know you can not trust them. If your social media account gets suspended for questioning the narrative, then the narrative is false. If you're called a terrorist or a racist because you want to make your own medical decisions or leave the house without a diaper on your face, you're dealing with tyrants. If the citizens who elected their officials want to audit those elections but you fight to prevent that audit, then you're hiding something. When you need a virtual army of fake social media accounts by the thousands promoting the same copy and paste messages that promote only one side of the agenda, then the agenda is a lie.
Let's not forget that if someone is willing to break any laws necessary to promote their agenda, including the Nuremberg Code, then I shouldn't have to tell you there's an evil agenda at work here.
For anyone who disagrees with this take, then I ask you to name one time in human history the good guys were the ones doing the censoring. Name one time in history when we said, "Yeah, it was a good thing they silenced those people and prevented them from speaking their minds or asking any questions because it made our society a better place."
Never. Not once, ever.
Free speech and freedom of choice are at the heart of our Constitution because the people who built this government came here to escape the very same kind of tyrants we face today. They were political and religious exiles looking for the freedom to live their lives as they saw fit without the endless suppression and tyranny of ruthless kings and dictators. They knew the nature of tyrants and how they gain and maintain power. They designed our government to prevent that from happening, or if all else fails, our military can re-establish a new government.
Parochial, you basically just said the entire world is stupid, clearly implying you're smarter than most. That may be true. But you offered criticisms with no solutions or insights of any sort, and that bothers me. Give us more to go on if you have it all figured out.
Brett asks:
For anyone who disagrees with this take, then I ask you to name one time in human history the good guys were the ones doing the censoring. Name one time in history when we said, "Yeah, it was a good thing they silenced those people and prevented them from speaking their minds or asking any questions because it made our society a better place."
No, as you pointed out. Truth will out. So "good guys" don't need to generally shut others up. On the other hand, people who shout out untruthful ideas in a public place do need to be muzzled as their ideas are hurtful to society.
We all know you are censored from yelling "fire!" In a theater. You can also be censored from saying "put ground glass on your sandwich! It's good!"
Now science generally agrees that viruses are not political, do not care whose body they infect. Science generally agrees that masks will prevent the spread of any virus. So experts like Johns Hopkins, Mayo Clinic, CDC and any physician worth their Doctor License will do their best to recommend masking up to cut down the transmission of a dangerous and contagious virus.
Worried about doubting this? Science itself is actually based on doubt. What makes the sun come up? Why do most materials dissolve in water but not in oil? Why do people who agree on something seem to stick together? How do magnets work? Investigating these things is the foundation of science.
Any scientific discovery - medicine, geology, physics - is open to investigating by others (doubters!) to make sure it's right.
In 1989, two University of Utah scientists announced that their modest palladium rod had unleashed so much energy that a flame burned clean through their apparatus, through the lab bench beneath it, and even through the floor beneath that.
Those two scientists first announced their results not in a scientific journal but to the press. And when they did bring their evidence to scientists to evaluate, their colleagues utterly routed their arguments. (Both men ended up leaving the country, disgraced.)
So if you hear something you might doubt, ask about the source. Stick to accepted Truth. Truth does not get censored.
Driving While Intoxicated
Brett, whenever I read one of your tirades about current events I instantly think to myself. "This guy sounds just like Ted Kaczynski" aka The Unabomber.
On the other hand, people who shout out untruthful ideas in a public place do need to be muzzled as their ideas are hurtful to society.
Since when has censorship or questioning ideas been ok? That's a dangerous position to take and one with tremendous consequences.
Who determines what's hurtful to a society? A person's opinions can be offensive and that's ok. I don't have to agree with what you say to be ok with you saying it.
You asked for proof from experts saying the vaccine was ineffective and you went to the strawsmans argument about herd immunity, when that was not the point I made.
In fact, Israel is suffering with another COVID outbreak despite more than 9/10 of it's citizens being vaccinated.
It's just a placebo at this point.
Errol doesn't understand the internet
You can also be censored from saying "put ground glass on your sandwich! It's good!"
If that's true, why were kids hospitalized for eating tide pods? How many people got banned from social media for encouraging that? What about the outlet challenge or the fire challenge? I'm going to guess nobody was banned or punished.
So if you hear something you might doubt, ask about the source. Stick to accepted Truth. Truth does not get censored.
Truth always gets censored. If I request documents via FOIA, half the page will be blacked out.
If your ideas line up with the powers that be, you can shout to your hearts content. The truth doesn't matter anymore.
Stick to accepted truth, don't ask questions and don't listen to other ideas. It's extremely dangerous.
Driving While Intoxicated
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I actually got Covid in October of 2020, and kind of felt pressured from my doctor to get my shot due to COPD and diabetes. My father has COPD and emphysema got it as well. Honestly the rebel inside of me wished I did not get it to be honest, but it is what it is. Being that I work in a hospital it is inevitable that they would have required me to have it anyway.
A facility where trucking companies operate out of, or their "home base" if you will. A lot of major companies have multiple terminals around the country which usually consist of the main office building, a drop lot for trailers, and sometimes a repair shop and wash facilities.
Hours Of Service
HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.