Going To California?

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Steven E.'s Comment
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I am contemplating a trip to southern California from the Chicago area the 3rd week of January. Can someone tell me what the Wuhan situation is in areas I would be passing through - face diapers, etc? I know it's several months away, but I'm trying to get an idea of the potential "lay of the land."

Big Scott's Comment
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Non issue anywhere I go.

Anne A. (and sometimes To's Comment
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I am contemplating a trip to southern California from the Chicago area the 3rd week of January. Can someone tell me what the Wuhan situation is in areas I would be passing through - face diapers, etc? I know it's several months away, but I'm trying to get an idea of the potential "lay of the land."

Non issue anywhere I go.

Here either, Scott....and Ohio is 'Red' .. whatever 'that' means!

Steven E. ~ I've seen on Facepalm that some O/O's aren't letting their drivers into NY (City, perhaps..think so) because of their asinine Vax mandates. Can't find it in print . . . "yet." Working on it. Propaganda is SO hard to sift through.

How's THAT gonna play out? They can't farm for their own food like our 'unvaxxed' Amish already do, here in Ohio.


I'd just LOVE to SEE PUBLISHED CONTEXT re: your Cali claims/fears, as well as the NY(C) stuff!!

~ Anne ~

ps; Steve . . . personal trip, or CMV ?


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  • Is transporting hazardous materials in a quantity requiring placards
Stevo Reno's Comment
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Down in Los Angeles county they've went back to masking up etc. Here I'm 80 miles from LA in the high desert area of San Bernardino, Cal and no masks , YET lol

Once the state elections are over and we get rid of Gov Newsom's butt, who knows, maybe things will go back to No masks? I'm not wearin' 1 for any reason, they can pound sand

Mikey B.'s Comment
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I don't co to California but you are asking about their situation for a few months down the line. Things can and do change there frequently. Could change 2-3 times by the time you go. Personally I stay in the eastern half of the country and I haven't worn a mask in 4 or 5 months. Walmart in Ohio I believe tried to make me wear on a few weeks ago. I ask the greeter about her having a face shield and no mask and looked inside, literally 3 people out of 50 or so had one on, even the workers had it protecting their chin so I thanked her and took it since I'd already touched it then dropped it in the cart and went shopping. I don't believe I'll ever actually wear one again. The government will never successfully get Americans to wear them again. The genie is out of the bottle and won't go back in. Americans have seen that they don't work and are no longer afraid like they once were.

BK's Comment
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There are bigger reasons to fear California

Steven E.'s Comment
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I don't co to California but you are asking about their situation for a few months down the line. Things can and do change there frequently. Could change 2-3 times by the time you go. Personally I stay in the eastern half of the country and I haven't worn a mask in 4 or 5 months. Walmart in Ohio I believe tried to make me wear on a few weeks ago. I ask the greeter about her having a face shield and no mask and looked inside, literally 3 people out of 50 or so had one on, even the workers had it protecting their chin so I thanked her and took it since I'd already touched it then dropped it in the cart and went shopping. I don't believe I'll ever actually wear one again. The government will never successfully get Americans to wear them again. The genie is out of the bottle and won't go back in. Americans have seen that they don't work and are no longer afraid like they once were.

The evidence from the Danmask experiment as well as other studies indicate strongly that face diapers do little or nothing to screen out the Wuhan virus. It has always been maintained that wearing one does not prevent you from getting the disease - only from spreading it to others, which is illogical on its face. If it doesn't stop the spread in one direction it will not stop it in the other.

Besides, I can't breathe with one on. I stopped wearing them the spring of 2020.

Moe's Comment
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It really is a non issue all over the state, some urban area business make a big deal about it, but truck stops could give a rip less, in fact so many people AREN’T wearing masks that it makes the people that DO, look retarded, truly. Employees at Pilot, Loves, et al (the big corporate chains) are required to wear them, but most either obviously struggle with it or wear it half ****ed (mouth only) and I haven’t heard any managers chastising employees about it, I have a feeling once Newsom is recalled (barring any shenanigans ala 2020 style theft) that the whole mask thing will be put to bed, who knows?

I can tell you that most Californians I’ve interacted with are over it and I’ve never been chastised for not wearing one. Oregon on the other hand is a different animal it seems like EVERYONE complies up there no matter what….

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