I just took it for granted that Banks knew what he was talking about, and I didn't research it either way. It appears you're right. Depressing.
I just realized that it's possible that you're both right. Death rate is different than total deaths. Death rate is the number of people that died compared to the total number of people that got COVID-19. It's still depressing that more people died this year than last year.
I would elaborate, but what I have to say on the subject tends to get censored around here, so I won't waste my time.
We all have mainstream media on tv if we want propaganda, so please spare us the grief. They have lied to us incessantly for almost two years. We don't need it repeated yet again. If you have something truly new and insightful to offer, please do. If you're gonna tell us what you heard on CNN, please don't.
I was under the impression that all opinions were welcome, so long as said opinions are stated respectfully. Was I mistaken to believe that?
Here’s an honest question. Does anybody here personally know somebody that has died from covid? Not a friends friends friends coworker? I know zero. I have had family members pass since the start of covid and it wasn’t anything related to covid. Even though covid is supposed to be the deadliest thing we’ve ever encountered globally. I know maybe three people who have gotten it and it was a fever and a runny nose at worse. If the death rate was really as bad as they said it was. Either you would of been dead or would of known ten people who died from it.
Bird One;
Two . . . TWO!!! OF my family members died . . . somehow.... (naturally?) AFTER the shot. My brother (healthy as a horse!) and then his wife. She may have died of a broken heart...who knows. They both got vaxxed. IN 2020. I wasn't even allowed to my brother's funeral (nor my sister) because of the cataclysm . . . really?!?!? IMHO, this whole crap IS a cataclysmic phenomenon. (Sorry for the verbage; I go from teen talker to ME mode .. on occasion!)
Rickipedia .... another subject up (or not?) for discussion, at Brett's discretion. He sure didn't die of Covid.
I'm sorry... I really am. Should've let Brett post that find. Somebody would've...somehow.... beat me to it.
Be safe, y'all.
~ Anne ~
ps: Here's the 'latest' now: Am I Immune ?!?
pps: I AM ALL BEHIND YA, BRETT.. (and everyone, anyone .. in the mindset.) Be safe. This'll be fun.
There might be some validity to the public safety argument if the vaccines actually WORKED. I was required to get the vaccine for my job before I started driving again. Then I picked up COVID when I went to orientation/training. The doctor wanted me to take the booster so I throughly read the print out I was given and refused the booster based on the fact that it is totally experimental and unproven.
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
Lastly, leave y'all with this.. whether or not Reuters' is reliable, who knows. ALL journalists will get their digs, jabs, and twists.
Opponents prepared to FIGHT Br(OOPS Biden!)
Again, Brett & Mods . . . I apologize. I didn't 'wait' for your reply; and that IS a 'my bad.' I was simply AGHAST.
~ Anne ~
ps: Anyone know 'this' catchphrase ?!?! Six, OUT. (I'm stealing it for now!)
pps: Be safe, fellow drivers & wives of. We have NO clue what's up.. NOTHING from FAB. Will stay 'mum' until, all to do.
There might be some validity to the public safety argument if the vaccines actually WORKED. I was required to get the vaccine for my job before I started driving again. Then I picked up COVID when I went to orientation/training. The doctor wanted me to take the booster so I throughly read the print out I was given and refused the booster based on the fact that it is totally experimental and unproven.
I would elaborate, but what I have to say on the subject tends to get censored around here, so I won't waste my time.
We all have mainstream media on tv if we want propaganda, so please spare us the grief. They have lied to us incessantly for almost two years. We don't need it repeated yet again. If you have something truly new and insightful to offer, please do. If you're gonna tell us what you heard on CNN, please don't.
Kerry, I enjoy your comments and they are always civil. But you know how ornery and opinionated truckers are. Lol. Don’t get discouraged if you get some push back on certain issues. Keep on posting!
I was under the impression that all opinions were welcome, so long as said opinions are stated respectfully. Was I mistaken to believe that?
Personally, "I" don't believe at ALL that you are mistaken. Not one bit. This is a 'hot' / 'sticky' thread ... and my dumarske opened it up..as I should've let Brett (or PackRat / a mod) do.
Heck, I feel 'grey' also. I just posted 'more.'
Just me;
~ Anne ~
ps: IT SHOULD BE CHOICES, not mandates . . . is how 'we' feel.
Stay safe, B.K. ~ we love ya, man! (Marc says HIYA!)
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
I just took it for granted that Banks knew what he was talking about, and I didn't research it either way. It appears you're right. Depressing.
I didn't look up the numbers, Poor assumption on my part, but further proves the vaccines aren't doing anything to protect the public as they continue to claim.
Hey everyone, been creeping this forum for some time and finally decided to make an account since my current career situation is on thin ice with this vax mandate. Currently working for the Fed as an air traffic controller in training, over 2 years in with no progression due to training shutdowns for over 14 months due to the rona. Federal employees have no option to weekly test so I'm seriously giving thought to getting into trucking. (It is a career I had planned to start as a 2nd career after retirement but here we are) I'm no stranger to long and odd working hours or being away from family so that aspect of trucking is not lost on me. I know the situation is fresh and developing but if anyone currently driving for any of the mega carriers can comment on whether they are expecting some sort of vax mandate enforcement I would appreciate any insight. Perhaps anyone currently in TMC Transport may have any info? It is definitely one of the companies I am leaning towards because I am interested in flatbed work and having a somewhat active aspect to the job besides just driving.
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Here’s an honest question. Does anybody here personally know somebody that has died from covid? Not a friends friends friends coworker? I know zero. I have had family members pass since the start of covid and it wasn’t anything related to covid. Even though covid is supposed to be the deadliest thing we’ve ever encountered globally. I know maybe three people who have gotten it and it was a fever and a runny nose at worse. If the death rate was really as bad as they said it was. Either you would of been dead or would of known ten people who died from it.