Schneider National Kept My Employment Record For Over 10 Yrs

Topic 31055 | Page 7

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Banks's Comment
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Billionaires don't have billions of dollars sitting in the bank. A lot of it is assets and stocks. Jeff Bezos makes 80k a year working for Amazon. That's his salary. I'd assume a lot of his property (house, cars etc) is under an LLC if not Amazon. This is where the tax laws come into play. You pay capital gains tax for selling property for a profit. If you don't sell your property, those gains aren't realized. If the government starts tampering with those tax codes, it's going to affect your average Joe more than Jeff Bezos. You're talking about home owners paying more in taxes because they value of their property increased, 401ks getting taxed before the funds are released and so much more.

It's funny that people think Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates etc just got a billion dollars out of thin air. Nobody wants to talk about the work, risks and sacrifices that went into gaining that status. Why should they be punished by excessive taxes because they're successful? It's not right.

The problem isn't the taxing. Working people pay more than their fair share. The problem is the spending. The government believes there's an endless supply of cash and signing some bills will make it better. Taxing people more won't do anything to fix that. If I bring in 100k a year, I shouldn't be spending 200k a year. The government doesn't understand this very simple concept.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Deleted Account's Comment
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I find the exploitation remarks comical. When you're hired for a job before you accept it you're made aware of the benefits offered and what rate you'll be paid. If you feel you're being underpaid don't accept the job. It doesn't matter what your income is you'll still complain it isn't enough. I keep hearing companies being bashed for "profits over people". Isn't the purpose of opening a business to earn more money than you would just being an employee somewhere?

Personally I feel everybody should pay their fair share. As was stated above there are legal deductions that we all take advantage of but for whatever reason it's bad for corporations to do the same. Many people with money have done things in life to set them up for success. Sure some people were born into it but how is it fair to tax someone at an astronomically higher rate for the money they worked to earn compared to somebody just skating by life working minimum wage jobs. If higher income means taking more money as a percentage from their pocket where's the incentive to become wealthy.

Bird-One's Comment
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Kerry, honestly man why would they not ask him about that? Why would they have him come in for an interview if they had no intention of hiring him? They did and like mr. Curmudgeon said. The interview went south.


The recruiter didn’t blindly tell you that you were eligible for rehire. It’s their job to make sure of that before hand. So it wasn’t till after the interview that they told you were in fact not eligible. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that maybe the interview didn’t go well. Did they ask you about this safety violation at the interview?


They wouldn't have to ask. It's on record.

Chris P.'s Comment
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Banks, Rob, etc,

Let me start by sharing just how nearly unfathomably rich someone like Jeff Bezos is. Here is a pixel representation of Bezo's Wealth. Now, do you really think he has contributed that much to society to be worth so much? He's a clever man, and he's made a lot of smart business decisions, but the answer is obviously no; He has used his cleverness to use society and other people to make his billions. He's so rich that, even if we took half of it away to feed poor people or something, he'd still never spend it all.

No man exists in a vacuum independent of society. We all rely on one another. The greatest predictor of academic success is coming from a wealthy family. Infact, you're more likely to have academic success as a a not-smart rich kid than you are to be a smart poor kid. Here is some proof.

Self-made billionaires are a myth. I recommend a book on the topic called Outliers by Malcom Gladwell. That's not to say that someone like Elon Musk doesn't deserve respect. He's a good leader, and he is pushing society to greater and greater heights technology-wise. I'd still like to see him taxed more. Some of the billionaires will even admit they don't deserve their vast wealth. Warren Buffet, for example. Apparently he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary.

I could go on and on - I actually have a research paper that's overdue on a related topic. :P


Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager

The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.
Kerry L.'s Comment
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Billionaires don't have billions of dollars sitting in the bank. A lot of it is assets and stocks. Jeff Bezos makes 80k a year working for Amazon. That's his salary. I'd assume a lot of his property (house, cars etc) is under an LLC if not Amazon. This is where the tax laws come into play. You pay capital gains tax for selling property for a profit. If you don't sell your property, those gains aren't realized. If the government starts tampering with those tax codes, it's going to affect your average Joe more than Jeff Bezos. You're talking about home owners paying more in taxes because they value of their property increased, 401ks getting taxed before the funds are released and so much more.

It's funny that people think Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates etc just got a billion dollars out of thin air. Nobody wants to talk about the work, risks and sacrifices that went into gaining that status. Why should they be punished by excessive taxes because they're successful? It's not right.

The problem isn't the taxing. Working people pay more than their fair share. The problem is the spending. The government believes there's an endless supply of cash and signing some bills will make it better. Taxing people more won't do anything to fix that. If I bring in 100k a year, I shouldn't be spending 200k a year. The government doesn't understand this very simple concept.

Jeff Bezos makes his money from stock dividends and other investment income.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Kerry L.'s Comment
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I find the exploitation remarks comical. When you're hired for a job before you accept it you're made aware of the benefits offered and what rate you'll be paid. If you feel you're being underpaid don't accept the job. It doesn't matter what your income is you'll still complain it isn't enough. I keep hearing companies being bashed for "profits over people". Isn't the purpose of opening a business to earn more money than you would just being an employee somewhere?

Personally I feel everybody should pay their fair share. As was stated above there are legal deductions that we all take advantage of but for whatever reason it's bad for corporations to do the same. Many people with money have done things in life to set them up for success. Sure some people were born into it but how is it fair to tax someone at an astronomically higher rate for the money they worked to earn compared to somebody just skating by life working minimum wage jobs. If higher income means taking more money as a percentage from their pocket where's the incentive to become wealthy.

The exploitation is on a macro scale, not a micro scale.

Mikey B.'s Comment
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Hahaha, spoken like a poor person jealous of someone else's money. Thats so sad. If I had your address I'd send you a box of tissues.

Chris P.'s Comment
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We seem to think in a similar manner. I expected to be alone around these parts, heh.

Old School,

If you want someone to read over your book for feedback, I'd gladly do it. I'll still buy it if it's reasonably priced. I note that my posts are full of typos compared to yours, but I can at least spot if something doesn't make sense, etc. Normally I post and then edit it to fix the typos, but I can't around here.

Kerry L.'s Comment
member avatar

I find the exploitation remarks comical. When you're hired for a job before you accept it you're made aware of the benefits offered and what rate you'll be paid. If you feel you're being underpaid don't accept the job. It doesn't matter what your income is you'll still complain it isn't enough. I keep hearing companies being bashed for "profits over people". Isn't the purpose of opening a business to earn more money than you would just being an employee somewhere?

Personally I feel everybody should pay their fair share. As was stated above there are legal deductions that we all take advantage of but for whatever reason it's bad for corporations to do the same. Many people with money have done things in life to set them up for success. Sure some people were born into it but how is it fair to tax someone at an astronomically higher rate for the money they worked to earn compared to somebody just skating by life working minimum wage jobs. If higher income means taking more money as a percentage from their pocket where's the incentive to become wealthy.

Profits over people means to maximize profits, even at the expense of people, their well-being, their lives.

Kerry L.'s Comment
member avatar

I find the exploitation remarks comical. When you're hired for a job before you accept it you're made aware of the benefits offered and what rate you'll be paid. If you feel you're being underpaid don't accept the job. It doesn't matter what your income is you'll still complain it isn't enough. I keep hearing companies being bashed for "profits over people". Isn't the purpose of opening a business to earn more money than you would just being an employee somewhere?

Personally I feel everybody should pay their fair share. As was stated above there are legal deductions that we all take advantage of but for whatever reason it's bad for corporations to do the same. Many people with money have done things in life to set them up for success. Sure some people were born into it but how is it fair to tax someone at an astronomically higher rate for the money they worked to earn compared to somebody just skating by life working minimum wage jobs. If higher income means taking more money as a percentage from their pocket where's the incentive to become wealthy.

It's bad for corporations to take deductions that result in paying 0% tax. I am sure that you can agree that this would be bad for anyone to ve able to do.

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