Annie brags...
My guy and I are in the 'over/under mid50's range... I'm under, he's over . . . LoLoL!
Hey Jessi, welcome.
I was a paramedic for 17years, just got burned out. I am 49 and I start my trucking career Dec 27th with Roehl in Appleton WI. You have come to the right place for your questions. Read Brett's book available free on the site and ask, ask, ask!!! Good luck on your new future career.
Been Paramedic for 25yrs and 56yo I have always wanted to learn Trucking but concerned about my age. No health issues thank God and no more kids at home. I want to try long haul driving and I do have a nephew and a younger brother that are truckers. I live in south Texas and don't know where to start ? Should I try driving with my family members first get the feel of the road then go to school ? Any info helpful fellas ??
Annie brags...
My guy and I are in the 'over/under mid50's range... I'm under, he's over . . . LoLoL!
Ya like that, eh, G?!?!?
Ffe, Raider Express, and Stevens all have company sponsored programs within Texas. I believe comp sponsored is the way to go.
"I got a sweet little thing I'm wantin' to see in Nashville And I'm down around Dallas and a'rollin' on fast tonight"
Always love "Lookin' at the World thru the Windshield!"
~ Anne ~
ps: Again....Welcome all y'all new guys!!!!!
Annie brags...
My guy and I are in the 'over/under mid50's range... I'm under, he's over . . . LoLoL!
Ya like that, eh, G?!?!?
First post on here! I’m 54 and am considering a career change as well. I’m so dang confused on who to start with and how to get my CDL! Company or go to a school? I think I’m overthinking it lol
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
You're not to old! I just turned forty-nine myself and am quite likely to pull the trigger on trucking in January. There are many folks who embrace it as a change of career late in life. But if you've got relatives who are truckers, and assuming you've got the time and can support your bills and such while out and you have the time, then give them a call and see if you can go out with them. It'd be an incredible opportunity to get a ride along and see what you'd be in for from picking up the load, to checking your rig, to the drive, to dropping your load off and having to do everything in the rig...
First post on here! I’m 54 and am considering a career change as well. I’m so dang confused on who to start with and how to get my CDL! Company or go to a school? I think I’m overthinking it lol
There is a wealth of healthy info on this site, just start digging! I'm the same age and was in the restaurant biz for decades before getting on the road.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
First post on here! I’m 54 and am considering a career change as well. I’m so dang confused on who to start with and how to get my CDL! Company or go to a school? I think I’m overthinking it lol
Howdy JOEL !!! Welcome to Truckng Truth... (and yes you are, overthinking it!)
Start right here:
Once you 'digest' (or digress!) all this.. start your OWN thread, as you see fit. We have SO MANY folks that started right here, with Brett's HRTP program, and studied Daniel B.'s pretrip guide. I don't want to overwhelm you, but ...
Trucking Truth will HAVE YOUR BACK all the way!!
Best wishes, Joel !!
~ Anne ~
ps: Any and ALL posts from 'moderators' are priceless. G'Town is back too! Old School has articles, as well. I'll share more, once you digest your appetizer, good sir.
Welcome to Trucking Truth!
A pre-trip inspection is a thorough inspection of the truck completed before driving for the first time each day.
Federal and state laws require that drivers inspect their vehicles. Federal and state inspectors also may inspect your vehicles. If they judge a vehicle to be unsafe, they will put it “out of service” until it is repaired.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
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Thanks for the welcome , been lurking a long time but never posted.
I worked for FFE previously and actually have nothing bad at all to say about them....I may go back to FFE , but I've recently been talking with Hirschbach , They have a terminal in the DFW area , nice trucks with a TV , satellite and refrigerators. and a decent sign on bonus
A facility where trucking companies operate out of, or their "home base" if you will. A lot of major companies have multiple terminals around the country which usually consist of the main office building, a drop lot for trailers, and sometimes a repair shop and wash facilities.