All, I would like to hear from TMC Drivers (and former TMC drivers) regarding their experiences. I have got my list down to two or three companies and TMC is at the top of the list. I am going to do the same thing here with the other two companies, but not in any sort of order. It is looking like I am going to have to make a career change from an electronics technician of 35 plus years. Sheesh, hate the thought of starting over, however..... Bring on the comments guys and gals. All I ask is that you're honest with me, no flowery BS unless it is the truth. I recently went on a trip to CT with my wife to my son's wedding and I was amazed at the number of TMC trucks on the road up and down I-95. Just this morning, I saw a TMC Driver out of Savannah, GA (home), so I know they are out there! If you prefer, you can also email me. KG4QIQ at Gee Mail dot com. I am looking forward to what you've got to say: Good, bad or otherwise!
Hay, Scott E. !!
So, you wanna be a flatbedder, eh? We've got a few TMC guys in & around here, and some that drove for them in the past. If you use the 'search' bar (big white thing at top of page) or the blue tabs when you click on 'forum' .. go to 'search by...' you can read all up on them!
Did you apply here? Paid CDL Training Programs. Prime is another consideration, as is Knight. Davy drives for Knight (as does O/S) and many others. Thoughts, LoL!
I don't remember where you're from... it's not in your profile (sorry!) but if you REALLY want to do flatbed, I'd suggest reading Old School, Chief Brody, Turtle (when he was at Prime...) to name just a FEW! So many.....some of our open deck guys are specialty haulers, so... I'll let you dig through that, haha! Look at the 'flatbed variety' thread !!!!! TMC guys abound!
Also ... LOOK INTO PIANOMAN! He now drives for System Transport! Skateboarder!!!!
ps: Re: TMC, this . . .
It's no joke. They WILL (and have, and can!) fire a 'student' for violation, thereof! Very military regime, former Marines. Thank them!
Best wishes, keep us in the loop!
~ Anne ~
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.
State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.
I work with a few guys that drove for TMC. They left because the lifestyle didn't work for the home life.
I've never met anybody that has something bad to say about them. They were my top choice as well, but they told me no. Couldn't tell me why.
Always wondered what TMC stands for? They have great equipment, all Peterbilt's from what I see. If you want to do , I think they are flatbeda good choice.
Always wondered what TMC stands for? They have great equipment, all Peterbilt's from what I see. If you want to do , I think they are flatbeda good choice.
I can't find it, haha!
Yep, all Pete's. . . going all auto in 2022. Gorgeous rides & accessibility. Heard they 'are' hard to 'work for' too..though.
I'm sticking with . . . 'Tarp More Cargo?'
I even tried Erroll's trick to 'plug' this in the 'link' access; didn't work.... lookie here!
Sorry, ya gotta copy & paste!!
~ Anne ~
The Mickow Corporation
"I don't remember where you're from... it's not in your profile (sorry!)"
Small town northwest of Savannah, Georgia: Guyton.
The Mickow Corporation
Thanks, Chris!
~ Anne ~
"I don't remember where you're from... it's not in your profile (sorry!)"
Small town northwest of Savannah, Georgia: Guyton.
Thanks, SeaDog... sorry! I see you updated it in your profile, thanks! Perfect hiring area.
~ Anne ~
Too Much Chrome
Too Much Chrome
Beat me to it!
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Did you know you can fill out one quick form here on TruckingTruth and apply to several companies at once for paid CDL training? Seriously! The application only takes one minute. You will speak with recruiters today. There is no obligation whatsoever. Learn more and apply here:
All, I would like to hear from TMC Drivers (and former TMC drivers) regarding their experiences. I have got my list down to two or three companies and TMC is at the top of the list. I am going to do the same thing here with the other two companies, but not in any sort of order. It is looking like I am going to have to make a career change from an electronics technician of 35 plus years. Sheesh, hate the thought of starting over, however..... Bring on the comments guys and gals. All I ask is that you're honest with me, no flowery BS unless it is the truth. I recently went on a trip to CT with my wife to my son's wedding and I was amazed at the number of TMC trucks on the road up and down I-95. Just this morning, I saw a TMC Driver out of Savannah, GA (home), so I know they are out there! If you prefer, you can also email me. KG4QIQ at Gee Mail dot com. I am looking forward to what you've got to say: Good, bad or otherwise!
Department Of Transportation
A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.
State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.